For several years under the guidance of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan lasts the largest student project - holding Republican student Olympiads in various specialties. This year the II stage of the Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty "Computer engineering and software" hold in D.Serikbayev EKSTU for the first time.
- Olympiad is a great opportunity to meet and communicate with each other representatives of various universities, a kind of experience exchange, - said the rector of D.Serikbayev EKSTU Nurlan Temirbekov welcoming the participants of the Olympiad. - Computer engineering and software is a perspective profession. Today, you have to demonstrate your best abilities and become the best in the competition.
Four hours that was given for tasks decision of the Olympiad, participants had to demonstrate their knowledge on the specialty. In the end, a second year student of D.Serikbayev EKSTU Pavel Mehnin was the best, he outpointed 229 marks by the end of the Olympiad!
Sultan Imbayev of International IT University (Almaty) and Anton Antonov of "Turan" University (Almaty) received the second degree diplomas of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Daulet Nurgali of International IT University, Damir Beissembayev - student of D. Serikbayev EKSTU and Temirlan Kairbayev of L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana) became owners of diploma of the third degree.