In the 65th anniversary of Victory selective tour for the Youth Delphic Games of East Kazakhstan region was held under the moto- “Nobody and nothing is forgot” The task of creating the site “Pamyat” dedicated to the 65th Victory anniversary, that contains the participants museum, war memories of the veterans, events and creativity of students, was made on the high level. The task was to work out obligatory graphical element- logotype using several elements:
- dates 1941 -, 1945 ;
- 65 years of Victory;
- Great Patriotic War.
TenparticipantscontestedfortherightofgoingtoPavlodar- totherepublicantour. Three of them represented two schools, and the others were the students of D.Serikbaev EKSTU and S.Amanzholov EKSU
The participants’ works were estimaeted by the juri of regional Delphic Games in the nomination “web- design”, Yulia Tatyanko and Ajbar Akhmadiev.
The team of our university presented by the group 07-IS-1, was prepared by the teacher Gulnaz Zhomartkyzy.
Grand Prix was awarded to Mikhailov Ivan, the student of S.Amanzholov EKSU, last year he won bronze on the republican tour.
ThefirstplacetookthestudentofEKSTUKadylAmangeldy, whoshowedgreatgraspofmoderntechnologiesofprojectingweb-applications. ThesecondplacetookaschoolboyfromKokpektyregionNigmatullinNadir.
For the best artistic execution the juri marked the work of student Zalipyatskikh Anna, 07-IS-1, EKSTU
And Temergaliev Askhat also had good works.
The winners were awarded diplomas and presents.
Moderator of Delphic Games in the nomination of “Web-design” Ivan Zagajnov
June 24, 2010