Creativity of youth for the innovative development of Kazakhstan

Date of the conference: April 11th -12th, 2013

About Conference

Dear colleagues!

On April 11th -12th, 2013, ХIІІ Republican scientific and technical conference of undergraduate, graduate students and young scientists called «Creativity of youth for the innovative development of Kazakhstan» will take place at D. Serikbayev East-Kazakhstan state technical university The conference program involves the following sessions: plenary (opening of the conference, keynote reports), break-out (reports of conference participants), and final.

Information letter

Conference topics

The conference work will be organized according to the following workshops:

  • Innovation in architecture and construction;
  • Economic and management problems of innovative development of society;
  • Current problems of mining industry;
  • Information and communication technologies in education, science and technology;
  • Energetic and energy saving;
  • Innovation in machine-building, transport and material science;
  • The role of social and human sciences and foreign languages for the innovative process development;
  • War science and Physical education.

Within the conference results of the first stage of the contest «Innovation 2012 – the best innovative idea» will be presented.

We invite you to take part in the conference work.


Application to participate in the conference

Family name__________________First name____________________

Father’s name_____________________________________


Organization, position, degree______________________________

Address (of the author/head)_______________________________

Telephone (of the author/head)__________________________


Report theme__________________________________________________________________________


Date_____                                                               Signature_____________

Application for participation in the conference, reports (formatted in accordance with applicable requirements, except for authors of our university), please, submit before February 21st, 2013 to the address: 070004, Ust-Kamenogorsk,. 69 Protazanov St, EKSTU. Telephones for more information: +7(7232) 26-91-68, 26-05-40, e-mail: with the indication: for the student conference. MATERIALS SENT BY Bat and Messenger WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

The application for participation in the conference should specify the address, telephone number, cell phone number / Fax and E-mail of the author, head, to clarify disputable issues and address to send invitations and conference material proceedings.

Material for the conference

english text

Terms of participations at conference

In order to have your report involved in the conference program it is necessary to send an application form for the conference participation and report to Е-mаіl, or submit them to the Organizing Committee in electronic form and by the indicated telephone of the Organizing Committee, and to make sure that your materails had been received by the Organizing Committee. Application form and Organizing Committee address are attached. Application form and reports are to be received by the Organizing Committee not later than February 21st, 2013. Application forms received later than the indicated period will not be considered, reports will not be published.

By the beginning of the conference work conference material proceeding will have been published. Authors of the reports involved in the conference program after the editorial board consideration will be sent the second information letter (invitation). The program of the conference work can be got before the beginning of the conference from workshop secretary.

Registration fees

Organization payment for the students of the university – conference establisher is 800 tenge. Organization payment (including conference material proceeding sending) for students of other higher education institutions is 3500 tenge, and 3000 tenge for students of colleges and schools.


Application for participation in the conference, reports (formatted in accordance with applicable requirements, except for authors of our university), please, submit before February 21st, 2013 to the address: 070004, Ust-Kamenogorsk,. 69 Protazanov St, EKSTU. Telephones for more information: +7(7232) 26-91-68, 26-05-40, e-mail: with the indication: for the student conference. MATERIALS SENT BY Bat and Messenger WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

The application for participation in the conference should specify the address, telephone number, cell phone number / Fax and E-mail of the author, head, to clarify disputable issues and address to send invitations and conference material proceedings.

Organizing Committee