Name of the competition within which the project is being implemented: Competition for grant financing for young scientists on realization of scientific researches on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects

The project manager is Natalya A. Zimanovskaya, Associate Professor, PhD.

Identifiers: Scopus Author ID 56369110800,,



Project Research

Full name Project position Identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any) and links to related profiles
1. O.V. Frolova Senior Researcher Scopus Author ID 57195674035,,
2. B.B. Amralinova Senior Researcher Scopus Author ID 57194348109,,
3. I.E. Mataibaeva Senior Researcher Scopus Author ID 57195672336, ORCID  0000-0003-0550-7591,
4. G.B. Orazbekova Senior Researcher Scopus Author ID 57215986570,
5. O.N. Kuzmina Senior Researcher SCOPUS: 57212392529,,
ResearcherID: AAB-4098-2021, 
6. Т.А. Oitseva Senior Researcher Scopus Author ID: 57196278285, Web of Science Researcher ID AAB-5849-2020,
7. S.S. Aitbayeva Senior Researcher SCOPUS: 57215774699, ORCID:0000-0003-0285-0773,
8. А.Е. Bissatova research associate SCOPUS: 57219014280, ORCID: 0000-0003-2117-4731,


Project abstract

The idea of the project is to scientifically substantiate the possibility of identifying new non-traditional sources of rare metals of the extra-pegmatite type in the region, belonging to albitite-greisen metasomatites (apogranites) with stannum-tantalum-lithium ore mineralization and greisen-quartziferous-veined stockworks (Sn, W), imposed on small intrusions and dikes of konushk complex.  The relevance of the research is determined by the increased demand in the world market of rare and rare earth metals (Ta, Nb, Be, Li, TR, etc.)

The purpose of the project is to clarify the patterns of formation and spatial distribution, develop predictive search criteria and assess the prospects of new non-traditional types of rare metal mineralization (Ta, Nb, Be, Li, Sn, W, etc.) as an additional reserve for strengthening and developing the mineral resource base of the East Kazakhstan region.


Expected and achieved results of the project:


The results obtained from the research.

Publications (with links to them) and patents; information for potential users.

2020 year

The features of the formation of an unconventional type of lithium-bearing rare-metal granites of Eastern Kazakhstan (the Novo-Akhmirovsky, Apogranitny, and Alakha sections) are clarified. The relation of the lithium-bearing rare-metal objects with the granites of the II phase of the Kalba complex (P1) is shown, which allows us to clarify the direction of prospecting in the Kalba-Narym and Irtysh zones of crumpling. As a result of the work performed, three unconventional types of rare metal mineralization were established:

  • rare metal-bearing granites (Sn, Ta,Li);
  • lithium-bearing albite-spodumene pegmatites (Karagain-Saryozek ore zone);
  • greisen-quartz-vein tin-tungsten superimposed on plagiogranites of the Kunush complex (C3). Overview charts and insert map of the Karagain-Saryozek ore zone and the Central Kalba were compiled.

The results of the research are reflected in the publications:

(Scopus) 1. Ongonite dikes of East Kazakhstan and the specifics of their ore content. VISNIK Kiyivskogo natsionalnogo universitetu imeni Taras Shevchenko No. 1 (88) / 2020. pp. 61-68.

2. Geochemical characteristics and metalogeny of herzin granitoid complexes (Eastern Kazakhstan). Naukoviy visnik NSU, Natsionalny tekhnichny universitet Dniprovska politechnika, No. 1, 2020. pp. 5-111.

Geological criteria for forecasting and evaluating rare metal deposits as the main source of replenishment of the mineral resource base of rare metals for enterprises of East Kazakhstan. Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2020. No. 6. pp. 4-8).

Conferences 1. International Geological Congress, MGK-36 India, Delhi, New data about geology and mineralogy of Li-pegmatites of East Kazakhstan / / 36th International geological congress). Due to the pandemic, the congress has been postponed to August 2021.

2. Report for participation in the All-Russian conference with international participation dedicated to the 90th anniversary of IGEM RAS "Rock, mineral and ore formation: achievements and prospects", Moscow (Geological-petrological and mineral-geochemical indicators of ore-forming systems of rare metal deposits of the Greater Altai)

2021 year

Work is being carried out to collect archival, fund and literary materials on the prospective areas of the Kalba-Narym and Irtysh zones. It is planned to conduct field expedition work in the Southern Altai (Shikol, Cherdoyak), in the Western Kalba (Jubileyniy October). Typomorphic minerals and geochemical elements-indicators of rare-metal ore formation of greisen-quartz-stranded stockwork objects-will be identified. It is expected to develop leading regional and local criteria for forecasting, searching and assessing unconventional greisen-quartz-stranded superimposed type of mineralization. An article was published in the rating magazine-Minerals 2021, 11, 253.

An article was sent for publication in the rating journal of the Scopus database "Geology of ore deposits" and an article in the CQASE journal " Mining Journal of Kazakhstan».

2022 year

The regularities of formation will be clarified and the forecast resources of rare metals of the studied deposits, ore occurrences and promising areas of unconventional types of mineralization will be evaluated. A forecast-metallogenic map and diagrams for detailed sites and objects have been prepared. Scientific and practical recommendations have been developed.

The results of the research will be reflected in publications in rating journals and journals, and a patent will be issued at the National Institute of Intellectual Property