Name of the competition within which the project is being implemented: Competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021.

The project manager is Yelibek A. Asangaliev, Associate Professor of the School of Earth Sciences, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor.


Project Research Group

Last names Project position Identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if there are)
1. Alexander L. Vorobyov Senior Researcher -
2. Sergey S. Lutai Junior Researcher -


Project summary

The name of the priority direction of science development is "Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex and safety of agricultural products".

The name of the specialized scientific direction is "development of intensive animal husbandry". Applied research. The date of commencement and completion of the project: 01. 01.2021. The project duration is 12 months. Project start and completion date: 1.01.2021-31.12 2021 (12 months). The requested amount of grant funding: For the entire duration of the Project - 8000 thousand tenge. By year, thousand tenge: 2021 – 8000;. The contribution of the private partner (co-investor) "Glubochanka" – 400 thousand tenge, of which production costs - 400 thousand tenge.

The main idea of the project is to develop recipes and ways to optimize the production of feed additives with biologically active substances for cattle. To study their biochemical composition and nutritional value. To implement the received recipes of feed additives, for which patent applications will be filed, in one of the peasant farms of East Kazakhstan.

The problem that the project is aimed at solving is the effective provision and testing of developed feed additives with biologically active substances in real conditions of a peasant farm and their influence on the physiological state of animals has been studied.

Development of the formulation and improvement of the technology of preparation of compound feeds with biologically active substances, as well as feed additives with new properties to increase the meat and dairy productivity of cattle.


Expected and achieved results of the project:


The results obtained from the studies.

Publications (with links to them) and patents; information for potential users.

2021 year

Research work has been carried out. The formulation of the composition of feed additives and methods for optimizing the production of new feeds and feed additives with biologically active substances for cattle was developed and transferred peasant economy to Glubochanka, the inclusion of aluminosilicate bentonites (montmorillonites), namely, bentonite clay from the Kolesskoye deposit (Kazakhstan), had a pronounced effect on various physiological processes of the animal's body: it ensured the maintenance of optimal acidity and pH of the medium in the animal's digestive tract. The members of the research group, E.A. Asangaliev, A.L. Vorobyov, and S.S. Lutai, analyzed patent and scientific and technical information, identified the main development trends, and developed recipes and methods for optimizing the production of feed additives with biologically active substances for cattle (cattle).

Their biochemical composition and nutritional value were studied. Recipes have been developed for cows, which will include the missing trace elements, bentonites and medicinal plants. The preparation will contain zinc carbonate, copper carbonate, potassium iodide and iron sulfate, as well as additionally oxides of silicon, iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and biologically active substances that enrich the additive and are able to enhance its positive effects.

1 agreement on cooperation with the peasant farm of peasant economy Glubochanka was signed. 1 application for an invention was submitted to KazNIIS from 18.08.2021 registration No. 2021/0502. 1 compound feed for fattening animals, maldy bordakylauga arnalgan kurama zhem. The project is registered in the NCSTE. To test the results of theoretical research, participation in the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of science, production and agricultural education in the conditions of export-oriented agriculture development" was carried out on June 17-18, 2021, Kostanay.

Based on the obtained research results, 1 (one) article is being prepared for publication, and will be accepted for publication or submitted to a peer-reviewed scientific publication included in the Science Citation Index Expanded or Social Science Citation Index in the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five), where the first author will be a member of the research group.