The name of the competition within which the program is being implemented: Сompetition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025.

Program Manager: Saltanat N. Suieubayeva, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.


The research group of the project

Full name Project position Identifiers ResearcherID, ORCID, Scopus Author ID (if available)
 1 Marina V. Kozlova Senior Researcher ORCID:,
Scopus Author ID: 56658397100
Young scientists (under 40 + teaching staff (Students, undergraduates)
Full name Project position Identifiers ResearcherID, ORCID, Scopus Author ID (if available) Note (teacher, student, undergraduate, doctoral student)
1 Asel M. Sadenova Researcher ORCID: postdoctoral fellow
2 Ekaterina R. Seregina Researcher


production worker
3 Daria V. Vdovina Researcher   production worker
4 Moldir E. Erzatova Junior Researcher   master's student

Project abstract

In Kazakhstan, one of the key tasks of the transition to Industry 4.0 is the development of high-tech production. It is generally recognized that high-quality human capital entails the development of high-tech industries, a knowledge-intensive economy and an increase in the activity of innovative entrepreneurship.

This project is aimed at identifying scenarios of scientific and technological development of Kazakhstan by determining the impact of human capital competencies on the innovative development of entrepreneurial structures, as personnel who are able to implement technological changes and the transition of the economy to Industry 4.0 are becoming more and more in demand.

The study involves testing the following hypotheses:

  • With a certain set of competencies of human capital, entrepreneurial structures will be ready to reorient to technological development;
  • Premature analyzes and forecasts will allow government agencies to create an innovative climate in the country for the formation of new human capital competencies, and universities and employers will be actively involved in the transition to Industry 4.0.

Purpose of the study:

The purpose of the project is to identify factors characterizing the quality of human capital that have a significant impact on the transition processes towards Industry 4.0 in Kazakhstan to increase the innovative activity of business structures.

Expected and achieved results of the project:

The analysis of the directions of training engineering personnel of universities, reflecting the existing industrial and productional regional specifics, will reveal the volume of supply of specialists in the national labor market and the possibility of their further use in industrial regions.

2. Development of an economic and mathematical model to assess the impact of human capital on the economic growth of the state, taking into account current trends in the transition to Industry 4.0.

3. Conceptual approaches to further reform of higher engineering education will ensure a high level of quality of education, the development of entrepreneurial and technological thinking. The forecast of the need for qualified personnel by basic industries in the context of regions will allow to systematize national, regional, personal and cultural characteristics of human capital, to activate the processes of introduction of industrial technologies and innovations.

4. Development of a model of the competence map for human capital development in high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries at each stage of the life cycle for the transition to Industry 4.0 based on the use of a resource-process approach.

The implementation of the project will contribute to the achievement of the following types of effects:

  • Scientific and technical effect - the study of the dominant trends in the global economy will determine the level of technological structure of the economy of Kazakhstan and the conditions for the transition to a new model of economic growth. As a result, the main directions of modern trends in the technological development of the industries of the regions of Kazakhstan will be determined and the problems hindering the transition to Industry 4.0 will be identified.
  • Economic effect – promoting the economic growth of the country in the context of innovative development by improving the quality of human capital of innovation-oriented business structures.
  • Social effect – business structures are interested in human resources with new competencies to improve the technological structure of business and provide high employment among graduates of technical universities.

In general, this study will allow to develop theories of human capital, to form organizational and economic mechanisms for increasing the innovative activity of entrepreneurial structures through human capital development in relation to various levels of the economic system; to deepen and expand the understanding of complexity level of the problems being solved in this area; to justify priority areas of regulation of the growth processes of knowledge and professional competencies of human capital on the basis of improvement education and training systems.

Year The results obtained from the research.
Publications (with links to them) and patents; information for potential users.

1) 1 article was published in the 3rd issue of 2023 of the Bulletin of the University of Turan (recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan):

Sadenova A.M., Kozlova M.V., Suieubayeva S.N., Seregina E.R. Index of economic complexity, its impact and relationship with unemployment rate. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):368-383. (In Kazakh).

2) Student of group 22-GFMK-1 Darkhankyzy Gulzhan and researcher at NJSC «VKTU named after. D. Serikbaeva» Vdovina Daria under the leadership of Sadenova A.M. took part in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference «Economics, Finance and Management: Current Issues in Theory and Practice», held on October 5, 2023 in Penza. Conference participants were awarded diplomas for 1st place. Topic: «Human resource management under the influence of Industry 4.0». 

3) Master’s student of the EP «Social Media Marketing» Erzatova Moldir under the guidance of Suyeubaeva S.N. and Sadenova A.M. took part in the international scientific and practical conference «XV Toraigyrov Readings», held on October 27, 2023 in Pavlodar and was awarded a 3rd degree diploma. Topic: «Theoretical aspects of human capital development during the transition to Industry 4.0».

4) As part of the study of foreign experience, trends and prospects for increasing the innovative activity of business structures, Suyeubaeva S.N. and Sadenov A.M. completed a foreign internship at Pamukkale University (Denizli, Turkey, Faculty of Economics and Management) from October 16 to October 27, 2023.

5) Suyeubaeva S.N. and Sadenovа A.M. completed training in the methodological online school «Methodology of scientific research: quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis», lasting 72 academic hours from December 19 to 23, 2023, organized by the Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.