

On February 8 -11, 2006 NQA GLOBAL ASSURANGE (Great Britain) carried out an external audit of D. Serikbaev EKSTU QMS on ISO 9001:2000 conformance.

Auditors: V.N. Skugarova, E.S. Solovey, S.D. Nekrasov

Certificate of conformance No 20688 (on Mach 21, 2006)

D. Serikbaev EKSTU QMS is applied to:

  • Development and providing educational services in higher professional education;
  • Carrying out research and scientific and manufacturing activities;
  • Professionaldevelopmentprograms.


Supervisoryaudit was crried out on March, 2007.

Auditors: V.A. Yaroslavtsev, S.D. Nekrasov

The auditors noted the dynamic development of QMS, the positive factor is the introduction of the continual improvement tool based onKaizen strategy

Supervisoryaudit was carried out on March 26-28, 2008.

Auditors: S.D. Nekrasov and D.A. Pogrebnyak

The auditors noted that the university keeps its QMS in working order, improves it effectiveness and continuity, introduces innovative education and innovative infrastructure, forms corporate culture and the new system of management.



Recertification audit was carried out on March 26-30, 2009at D. Serikbaev EKSTU

Auditors: S.D. Nekrasov and D.A. Pogrebnyak

The auditors noted that the university keeps its QMS in working order, improves it effectiveness and keeps its continuity. The QMS enhances reaching the aims and the policy of the university. The university has developed reliable mechanisms of sustainable development, improves its competitive ability in high-technology economic space. They recommended ISO 9001conformance certificate to be extended.

They stated that EKSTU has a well-composed QMS with defined processes, criteria and methods to ensure effectiveness, monitoring and analysis of data according to the processes. The university continuously improves the QMS effectiveness using the university policy and aims in quality management, results of audits, corrective and preventive actions, and monitoring by the university administration.  A package of organizational, methodical, and technological measures was developed and introduced at the university which provides conditions to exclude subjectivity in the assessment of students’ knowledge. Continual monitoring (modular rating system) and independent control and assessment of students’ knowledge are carried out at the university.

The policy of the university is focused on the customers: to meet their needs, organize management in compliance with legislation and regulatory documents under changing market conditions and according to the customers’ requirements.  

Regular supervisoryaudit was carried out on March 25-27, 2010

Auditors: S.D. Nekrasov and D.A. Pogrebnyak

The auditors noted that the university keeps its QMS in working order, improves it effectiveness and keeps its continuity. The work s focused on the improvement of educational process, the faculty professional development, and the development of training facilities. The QMS enhances reaching the aims and the policy of the university.

From 5 to April 7, 2011 conducted the supervision audit.

audit05042011Auditors - S.D. Nekrasov and A.S. Babenko

In the course of the audit don't revealed discrepancies. A group of auditors comments notes that "The University maintains in working order the QMS, improves effectiveness, preserves the integrity."


The recertification audit is passed in EKSTU on correspondence of the quality management system to international standard ISO 9001:2008 in period from 10 to 12 of April, 2012. Groups of auditors NQA were working in staff: A. S.  Babenko   (general auditor) and S.D. Nekrasov  (auditor).

The Auditors pay attention to improvement of the processes and procedures of management. Discrepancies are not revealed.  It was noted that the quality management system corresponds to requirements of   international standard and develops successfully. The term of the certificate is extended on the following three years.

From 16 to 18 April, 2013 was conducted the supervision audit of the quality management system on the part of British company NQA in D. Serikbayev EKSTU.

Auditors: S.D.Nekrasov and A.S. Babenko

The auditors noted that the university keeps the quality management system in working order it promotes by achievement of goals and realization of the university’s policy.

From 28 to 31 July, 2014 was conducted the supervision audit of the quality management system on the part of British company NQA in D. Serikbayev EKSTU.

Auditor: S.D. Nekrasov


audit05042011The auditor noted that the university keeps the quality management system in working order it promotes by achievement of goals and realization of the university’s policy.

From 12 to May 15, 2015 conducted the supervision audit of D. Serikbaev EKSTU on the part of company Intertek. Groups of auditors were working in staff: T.Sh. Alturmesova (general auditor) and G. M. Duimagambetova (auditor).

From 11 to May 13, 2016  held a regular supervisory audit of the quality management system of  D.Serikbaev EKSTU. The audit carried out an international company "SGS" (Switzerland).

Auditor   is Tyrtychnaya L.A.

The Certificate of conformity issued from August  8, 2016 to September 14, 2018






The university underwent recertification audit of the quality management system against ISO 9001: 2015 international standard successfully.

Russian Register Eurasia LLP, Esmakhanov E.Zh., Pan LV and Kholdina G.V., carried out the audit from October 23 to October 26, 2018.


From October 14th to October 16th, 2019 our university conducted a supervisory audit of the quality management system for compliance with the international standard ISO 9001: 2015.

Leading specialists Holdina G.V. and Baidullaev I.N. of LtD. “Russian Register Eurasia” conducted the audit.

There was no identified any inconsistency on the result of the supervisory audit.

From 26 to 28 October 2020, a supervisory audit of the quality management system for compliance with the international standard ISO 9001: 2015 was conducted in our university in an online format.

The audit was conducted by the leading auditor of URS Kazakhstan LLP A. Salnikov.

Based on the results of the supervisory audit, a number of insignificant inconsistencies were identified and recommendations were made to improve the QMS.


From October 27 to October 29, 2021, the university successfully passed a recertification audit of the quality management system for compliance with the international standard ISO 9001: 2015.

The audit was conducted by the leading auditor of “ Russian Register Eurasia ” LLP G.K. Iskakova.

Based on the results of the audit, the university was issued a certificate of compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard and was awarded the IQNet certification mark.

From December 19 to 21, 2022, the leading auditors of the international certification body Quality Austria conducted an online audit of the functioning of the Anti-Corruption Management System for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016 and the Quality Management System for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015.

The audit program was completed in full. The auditors noted that VKTU is moving in the right direction to further development of  Anti-Corruption Management System and QMS within the framework of the integrated management system. No inconsistencies found. The experts gave an assessment of the work and recommendations for further improvement of the IMS.

Auditors of Anti-Corruption Management System  - Martin Fridl, Nataliia Danko

Auditors of QMS  -  Solovyov V.I.

From December 18 to 20, 2023, the university underwent audits of the functioning of the Quality Management System for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 and the Anti-Corruption Management System for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016.

The audit was conducted by leading auditors of the international certification body Quality Austria.

Based on the results of the audits, no inconsistencies were identified.

SMPC auditors - Nataliia Danko

QMS Auditors - Elena Pershikova

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