Laboratory of building technologies and materials was created to develop practical skills in quality control of building materials, products and structures during their manufacture and use in the construction of buildings, structures and transport communications.
This laboratory develops general professional competencies:
- The ability to organize laboratory tests of building materials, products and structures, including road construction.
- The ability to analyze, draw conclusions and draw up test results.
- Design and calculation, selection of concrete composition and development of technology in production conditions.
- The ability to develop and organize technological processes for the production of competitive products and the reduction of material and labor costs for their production, including the use of industrial waste.
- Knowledge and skills of work production technology, selection of concrete composition and quality control for structures erected using additive technology.
- The ability to determine the required parameters and their necessary characteristics in the design and quality control of foundations (soils) during construction, reconstruction, restoration and strengthening of building structures of buildings and transport structures.
- The ability to determine the list of soil characteristics necessary for the calculation of foundations and foundations according to European standards (Eurocodes).
Professional competencies:
- Skills in conducting tests to determine the physical and mechanical properties of building materials, products and structures.
- Assessment of the technical condition and service life of reinforced concrete, stone, steel and wooden structures.
- Assessment of seismic safety of buildings and structures.
- performance of work to determine the physical and mechanical characteristics of building materials, products and structures.
- development of new and modernization of existing technologies in construction.
- skills in conducting tests to determine the physical and mechanical properties of soils.
- performance of work to determine the actual physical and mechanical characteristics and operational reliability of buildings and structures.
- Determination of physical and mechanical characteristics of building materials, products and structures.
- Organization and conduct of laboratory tests of building materials and registration of test results.
- Determination of the characteristics of concrete and reinforcement according to the requirements of European standards (Eurocodes).
- Ensuring the production of competitive products and reducing material and labor costs for their production.
- Development and organization of production processes and technologies.
- Work production technology, selection of concrete composition and quality control for structures erected using additive technology.
- Use of industrial waste in construction and transport construction.
- Monitoring the quality of the foundation and determining the properties of soils during construction, reconstruction, restoration and strengthening of building structures of buildings and transport structures.
- Determination of soil characteristics for the calculation of foundations and foundations according to European standards (Eurocodes).
- Detection of defects and damage by instrumental methods, determination of physical and mechanical characteristics of materials and the degree of wear of structures during inspection of objects.