Center for Competence and Technology Transfer in Construction

Center for Competence and Technology Transfer in Construction is a material, technical and methodological platform for the educational process and is an educational and research laboratory designed for the joint activities of teachers and students, as well as a platform for students and undergraduates to pass educational, technological, industrial and undergraduate practice, conducting research work of undergraduates, performing laboratory workshops on modern production and technological equipment.


  • the introduction of a practice-oriented approach in the educational process, the need to search for adequate educational technologies - a set of tools and methods for teaching and developing students, which make it possible to successfully implement the effective development of the competencies declared in the standard.
  • activation of educational and research activities of students of the University, involving them in the implementation of research activities under the guidance of the faculty of the University. 


  • the main task of the Center is to create innovative forms of professional employment of students in order to solve real scientific, practical and experimental work in accordance with the profile of education. Creation of conditions for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and experience in the study of academic disciplines. Formation of the student's motivation and the perceived need to acquire professional competence in the process.