The department contributes to the creation of a humanistic, respectable educational environment, contributing to the formation of professional competence in students. The purpose of this work is to educate students with an active civic position, meeting the needs and expectations of modern society.

For the formation of a sense of patriotism, moral and spiritual development among young people, seminars and round tables of an educational nature are held. These events are of regional importance.

The staff of the department annually participates in the regional event for decoration and reception of guests during the celebration of "Nauryz". The yurt of EKSTU takes the first place every year.

Visiting museum exhibitions and ethnographic excursions involves students and teachers in the cultural processes of society.

The department has clubs that take into account the interests of students in various fields of philology.

Literary club "Abai". The goal of the club is to popularize the life of famous personalities who have made a huge contribution to the development of literature and art of their native land with the aim of promoting the younger generation.

Pushkin Literary Club. The goal of the club is to support and develop gifted youth, creative communication, popularization of the heritage of the classics of Russian literature.

The girls' club "Akzhazik", the purpose of which is to form moral values ​​through work and poetry.