The research work of the students of the department is aimed at developing the skills of research work and the development of creative initiative.

Intra-university olympiads on knowledge of the state and Russian languages ​​are annually held among 1st year students. The Olympiads determine the knowledge of students at all levels of language learning. According to the results of competitions, university teams are formed.

The Russian language Olympiad for students enrolled in the Serpin program has become traditional, as well as the international Internet Olympiad in the Russian language and culture of speech, dedicated to the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture.

Students take part in a regional competition among students of higher educational institutions for the regional akim prize. The purpose of the competition is to expand and strengthen the social and communicative role of the state language, educate Kazakhstani patriotism, develop oral speech, strengthen friendship and cooperation among young people. As a result, the teams of EKSTU take prizes and are awarded the Regional Akim's Diploma, as well as valuable gifts.

The preparation of students for the city competition of experts in the state language "Til-parasat" among ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan is another tradition of the department.

Participation in nationwide total dictations helps to strengthen the role of the state language as the language of interethnic communication. Not only students, but also deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of ethnocultural and youth associations, civil servants and public figures take part in the actions.

Scientific seminars and round tables are often held, the topics of which reflect important issues of philology, such as "History of the Kazakh writing", "The rules of spelling of the Kazakh language in Latin", "Language is the guarantor of our unity and integrity", "Creativity of Kazakh and Russian writers, poets".