Full-time Department: The training period is 4 years.
Majors: 1 - Mathematics, 2 - Informatics
Degree awarded: Bachelor's degree in Information and Communication Technologies.
Purpose of the educational program:
Training of specialists in the labor market in the field of information and communication technology for the development and implementation of software with computer applications, who possess skills and knowledge in the field of network administration, architecture design, elements of mathematical, information and software-hardware complexes and systems.
The objects of professional activity: computer software; computing machines, complexes, systems and networks; network administration; computer information processing and management systems; software complexes and systems; hardware and software complexes; mobile applications; methods of information security protection.
Fields of professional activity of graduates: public and private enterprises and organizations that develop, implement and use computer technology and software in various fields.
Professional activities :
- Design and development activities: development and execution of design and working technical documentation; - control of compliance of developed projects and technical documentation with standards, technical conditions and other regulatory documents;
- Design and technological activity: application of Web technologies in the implementation of remote access in client/server and distributed computing systems;
- Production and technological activities: creation of components of computer information processing and control systems, production of programs and software complexes of a given quality; testing and debugging of hardware and software complexes;
- Organizational and managerial activities: organization of workplaces, their technical equipment, placement of computer equipment; selection of technology, software tools and computer equipment in the organization of the process of development and research of objects of professional activity;
- Research and development activities, innovation activities;
- Installation and adjustment activities: - installation, debugging and configuration of technical facilities for putting the software into operation; operation of the software and its components.
The list of positions of a specialist:
System analyst; software designer; software maintenance specialist; database administrator; software designer, mobile application developer; database management system specialist; business analyst in the field of IT, programmer analyst, IT project manager.
Students take an active part in the Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty 5B070400 " Computer engineering and software ", the international distance Olympiad in applied programming. They annually participate in scientific conferences of young scientists and students and the Republican research and development competition.
Degree awarded after graduation:
Bachelor's degree in information and communication technologies in the educational program " 6B06102 Computer engineering and software"
Graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in the master's program of EKSTU in the specialty "7M06102-Computer engineering and software".
Useful links:
- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWbNJ8XGUZyiSuNttDhIQHQ
- Instagram - https://instagram.com/itschool_ekstu?igshid=1rh8e5w9287xd
- Telegram - @EKSTU-helper_bot; @EKSTU-bot