On April 10-11, 2025, we invite you to take part in the XI International Scientific and Technical Conference of Students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Creativity of the young for the innovative development of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Zhenis Kulseitov.

Doctoral students, undergraduates, students, as well as all persons interested in the issues under consideration are invited to participate in the conference.>

The conference is organized in the following sections:

  • The impact of the development of artificial intelligence on modern engineering;
  • Artificial intelligence in the construction industry and architecture;
  • New opportunities for the use of artificial intelligence in the energy sector;
  • Prospects and trends in the development of artificial intelligence technologies;
  • Artificial intelligence in Earth sciences: current state and development trends;
  • Socio-economic and political problems of modern society in the context of the implementation of sustainable development Goals and the introduction of artificial intelligence;
  • Current trends in the development of languages, physical culture, sports and military science.

Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Main dates of the conference:

  • registration of participants of the conference - from February 01, 2025;
  • reception of conference materials - from February 01, 2025;
  • the completion of the reception of conference materials is until March 10, 2025;
  • payment of the registration fee - until March 31, 2025;
  • The conference will be held on April 10-11, 2025.

You will need to send an application for participation, an article designed in accordance with the conference requirements, and a payment receipt to the conference website.

Link for registration:

Registration form