On the 7th of April doctoral students of D. Serikbayev EKSTU Grigorieva Svetlana Vladimirovna and Zhaparova Aizhan Toleubekovna successfully defended the dissertation on doctor of philosophy (PhD) in the dissertation Council of EKSTU. D. Serikbaev on the specialty: 6D070300 – Information systems (on branches), 6D070200 – automation and control.

PhD thesis of Grigorieva S. V.: "Optimization of led lighting systems with the elements of robust control".

PhD thesis of Zhaparova A. T.: "Smart control technologies and control systems for energy Autonomous object".

Doctoral theses were written at the "Instrument making and automation of technological processes" Department of D. Serikbaev EKSTU.

The members of the dissertation Council were well-known scientists, PhD, professors: Kvasov A. I., Kalimoldaev M. N., Ten T. L., Koshekov K. T., Kolumbaev M. B. The dissertation Council was approved in number of 13 people. 12 people attended a meeting , including doctors of Sciences according to the profile in question of the thesis - 4. Two members of the academic Council were on-line form of a videoconference. In addition to members of the academic Council the meeting was attended by the following reviewers: Suleimenov Batyrbek Aitbayevich, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, head of of automation and control Department of  K. I. Satpayev Kazakh national research technical University; Breido Joseph Vulfovich the doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of Karaganda state technical University.

Congratulations Grigorieva Svetlana Vladimirovna and Zhaparova Aizhan Toleubekovna on a successful defense of theses and wish them further success in scientific and educational activities!