On November 11 the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev issued his annual address to the nation, "Nurly Jol - the way to the future". In his Letter "Nurly Jol - the way to the future" the Head of State presented plan of infrastructural development to the Kazakhs, which will be not only the basis of the new economic policy of our country, but also a dynamic step in the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050".

The traditional discussion of the President's Letter was held in D.Serikbayev EKSTU where certain areas for further development of the state were discussed in details. In this discussion took part - the university administration, faculty and staff, as well as active students of the university.

Vice Rector on Science and International Cooperation - Gavrilenko Oleg gave his speech, also the Head of the sub-department of Transport and Logistics of Mechanical Engineering and Transport Faculty - Vladimir Vdovin, Political Science of sub-department of Philosophy and problems of human development - Svetlana Linok, Head of Economic Theory and Market sub-department, Professor Yuriy Batalov and assistant professor of buildings construction and transport communications - Vladimir Sazhin.

In their speeches, they strongly supported the position of Elbassy indicated in the Letter "Nurly Jol - the way to the future", noting that the university staff is ready in full from to work on the implementation of the objects in view.