D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University became the first domestic institution who started targeted training of staff to automotive enterprises. With the launch of the conveyor "ASIA AUTO" in 2003, EKSTU took the place of main supplier experts for the country's first automobile production.

In 2011, a significant stage in cooperation between the university and the "ASIA AUTO" team was the opening of a branch of the enterprise of "Transport and logistics" sub-department.

Nowadays the leading technical university of the region and its long-term partner in the research-production practice enter upon a new stage of collaboration work. EKSTU will provide to train engineers for the needs of the country's largest machinery production, the creation of which is conducted on the basis of JSC "ASIA AUTO Kazakhstan" in Ust-Kamenogorsk city.


Faculty and students of EKSTU master's programs will be able to conduct scientific internship and professional practice in departments of full cycle automobile plant and a technology park for the production of automotive components. The corresponding cooperation agreement was signed by the rector of EKSTU Zhassulan Shaimardanov and the head of "ASIA AUTO Kazakhstan" Yerzhan Mandiev.

In the framework of the agreement will also organize joint scientific-experimental and research work.

As the rector of EKSTU Zhasulan Shaimardanov said that the project opens up exciting prospects where students and teachers of the university will be able to make its own contribution to the formation of a new automotive component industry in Kazakhstan. Domestic registry of specialties, as well as a list of educational programs of the university, will be significantly expanded.

In turn the General Director of JSC "ASIA AUTO Kazakhstan" Yerzhan Mandiev accented that the production capacity under construction will employ up to 12,000 workers. 1,500 of them will be the graduate engineers such as engineers, mechanics, chemical-process engineer and specialists in the field of logistics and information technology. With the EKSTU we can prepare a galaxy of unique specialists, sought-after with a new production, - said the head of the enterprise.

The design capacity of the complex under construction plants for welding, painting and assembly of car put together the 120 thousand cars per year. The launch of the first phase of production is planned for the 2017-2018.

The project of "ASIA AUTO Kazakhstan" is included in the Program of industrial-innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019 years, The Industrialization Map of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a number of other government programs.


Press Service of D. Serikbayev EKSTU