«Kazzinc» is a long-term and reliable partner of the university. Since 2011, there has been a special project - EKTU Branch in «Kazzinc». Uniqueness is in number of advantages for both students and the largest company in the region. The main advantage of the program is that future specialists study both theory and practice in equal extent, get acquainted with their future workplace during their studies and get scholarship. After receiving the diploma, graduates work in «Kazzinc».

The goal of the project is to train specialists who possess not only basic knowledge in their field but also practical skills they use from the first day of employment in the company.

Kazzinc engineers are engaged in production with students. It is noteworthy that one of the teachers this year became an employee of the Ust-Kamenogorsk metallurgical complex, who is a graduate of the Branch.

Mukhamed Shaimardanov, technologist of calcinating shop of zinc plant shared his experience of cooperation with «Kazzinc».

– I started my studies in Branch in my third year in 2013. In two years I started to work in zinc plant as a roaster of the fourth category. The same year I entered magistracy and for a year and a half combined work and study. After working for eight months, I became acting master. I became master after passing course of training in 2016. Furhter, I began to act as a senior master. The longer I worked, the more interesting things opened before me-says Mukhamed.

By the age of 27, Mukhamed was awarded the honorary certificates of the director of the Zinc Factory. This year he was awarded the Certificate of Honor from the General Director of the company.

He graduated college six years ago and now he teaches classes for the students of the Branch.

– First of all, I introduced the students to the main products. Then showed how we get the metal. When I was a student, I realized that all the work is easier to understand when you see the process with your own eyes, - says the metallurgist. - I want to convey to my students not only knowledge but also understanding that on this enterprise they can become good specialists in different directions. The employees of the company have the opportunity to get education in related specialties and to develop their career as I have managed to do.