Every year D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan state technical university together with EK RSPC "Daryn" organize the regional Olympics D. Serikbayev for pupils of the eleventh classes of cities and districts of East-Kazakhstan region. This year took part about 200 high school students who have decided to demonstrate their knowledge and to compete for the main prize of the contest.

Traditionally, the contest takes place in five subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, and drawing. Its main objective is to promote scientific knowledge, to increase the intellectual level of the students, to motivate for achieving success.

The rector of EKSTU Nurlan Temirbekov and deputy director of EK RSPC "Daryn" Zhanna Orazgaliyeva welcomed the participants at the opening of the Regional Olympics. They wished children success in solving all tasks, confidence in their knowledge and abilities, which will help to represent with honor their school.

- Participation in such contests rewards students by invaluable experience - it teaches to think extraordinary, to find interesting solutions of applied tasks, - said Nurlan Temirbekov. - In addition, it is also a unique opportunity to get a free education in the University. After all the participants of the contest taking the first place will receive a grant, which provides the right (if passing UNT successfully) for free education in D. Serikbayev EKSTU in any profession corresponding to the selected profile subject.

As a result, after summing-up of the Olympiad in all subjects, participants who took the second and the third places were awarded diplomas. Three winners awarded the main prize - grant of the rector of EKSTU.

They are: in geography a pupil from school-gymnasium №11 of Ust-Kamenogorsk city, Diana Musina ; in mathematics a pupil from specialized school №25 for gifted children in mathematics and physics Ust-Kamenogorsk city, Olga Kopeykina; in drawing and sketching - a pupil of CSI TEC “Lyceum” Ridder city,  Tahir Mukyn.

Our congratulations to the winners!