GoCamp is a project of Startup Academy EKSTU’s student, Takhmina Merimbayeva. This is the organization of hikes, camping tours of different directions in the East Kazakhstan region. Students’ initiative was supported and sponsored by the Director of the bread-baking plant "Karavai," Nurzhan Zhanabayev.

First camping-tour was organized at the recreation center Equestrian Court at “22nd  kilometr”. Participants received a full package of services: a transfer in both directions, a photo session, a cozy house with a fireplace for the whole company and three meals a day.

Program included courses of the public speaking from center of development GOODWILL. Master-classes were conducted by the member  of the Union of Russian Theater Workers, actress and director, Dana Turkliyeva. During the master-classes, students had an opportunity to ask all questions of interest to them. Also, participants received express-class  in bachata from entrepreneur, Pavel Shokhotim.

One of the participants of GoCamp project was 3 course student of the College of Economy and Finances, Aya Irgebayeva.

-I’d like to thank organizers for this wonderful day. Atmosphere of the event was very comforting. Main plus was conducting of the special courses for the participants of camping-tour, - she said.

We wish GoCamp project successful undertakings and further development!