In 2011, the D.Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University in the international Tempus program started a project ISMU 516682-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPGR «In-stitute of Strategic Management of Universities» in the framework of Tempus-IV.

The project coordinator is the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC) (Bar-celona, Spain); participants are: Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), Italy; Royal Institute of Tech-nology (KTH), Sweden; M. Tynyshpayev Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications; The Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic; Kyrgyz National University; Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic; Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan; State University of Bukhara, Uzbekistan; Tajik State University of Commerce; Institute of Economics of Tajikistan; The Ministry of Education of Tajikistan.

The aim of the project is to improve the governance and management of higher education institutions by providing highly qualified middle and senior level through the creation of the In-ternational Institute for Strategic Management of Universities.

Project Coordinator of D.Serikbaev EKSTU Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Varavin Evgeniy.

Проект ISMU программы TEMPUS. Барселона (Испания)

Участники проекта ISMU программы TEMPUS. Барселона (Испания)

Заключительная конференция в Бишкеке

Заключительная конференция в Бишкеке

Заключительная конференция в Бишкеке

Заключительная конференция в Бишкеке

Заключительная конференция в Бишкеке

Семинар Стратегическое планирование в Усть-Каменогрске

Семинар Стратегическое планирование в Усть-Каменогрске

Семинар Стратегическое планирование в Усть-Каменогрске

Семинар Управление проектами в Усть-Каменогрске

Семинар Управление проектами в Усть-Каменогрске

Семинар Управление проектами в Усть-Каменогрске


Семинар в Алматы

Семинар в Алматы




Семинар в Алматы

Семинар в Алматы


During his participation in the project middle and senior management of the University were able to improve their skills in project management and strategic management of higher ed-ucation institutions in leading foreign educational centers: the Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC), the Royal Institute of Technol-ogy (KTH), Stockholm. Training seminars allowed to organize and conduct a series of training seminars for senior and middle management personnel of universities of Kazakhstan and Kyr-gyzstan. So, together with KazATC and T.Ryskulov KazEU and lecturers from European univer-sities in Italy, Spain, Sweden, held a training seminar on university management «Strategic plan-ning in universities» (T.Ryskulov KazEU, Almaty (18-19 June 2014), from D.Serikbaev EKSTU in the seminar as a lecturer participated Varavin E.).

In December 2014 D.Serikbaev EKSTU held a series of short workshops on topics:

  • Project Management (December 4, 2014);
  • Strategic Planning at the University (December 18, 2014);
  • Strategic Management of the university (December 20, 2014).

They have improved management skills 32: deans, head of graduate departments and their deputies.

In JSC «Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev« was held the workshop on 26 -27 March, 2015 which purpose is the improvement of management of higher educational institutions by providing with the highly skilled managers through creation of the international institute on strategic management of universities.

Evgeny Varavin, Project Coordinator from EKSTU, was invited as the lecturer. Also in the work of the training took part leadership academy, department heads, deans and department chairs.

During the workshop were considered such subjects as «Project Management», «Strategic planning» and «University - Industry links». Also were carried out practical trainings on Project Management on the example of: 1. Exercise No. 1 «Guggenheim's Museum»; exercise No. 2 «Drawing up the network schedule of the chart of Gant».

From KazATC in the workshop participated Vice-rectors, Heads of departments, Deans of facul-ties and Heads of chairs. At the end of the workshop participants were awarded with the certifi-cates.

April 9, 2015 at the Kyrgyz National University hosted the final conference of the project Tempus «Institute for Strategic Management of Universities» (ISMU). The event was attended by representatives of universities, the project partners from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Uz-bekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

In the role of moderator of the event was the national coordinator of the project, the dean of the Kyrgyz-European Faculty IIIEP Professor Chynara Adamkulova.

Project Coordinator, a representative of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Alicia Berlanga held a presentation on the main outcomes of the project.

Furthermore, representatives of partner universities:

  • On the strategic management of universities by the example of their school told Martha Pile - representative of the University of Lisbon;
  • The report of the project coordinator from Sweden Lenart Steel Steel «Quality System in Universities: An example of Swedish universities»;
  • On peculiarities of learning on-line made Geordie Torner - Head of IT-department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain);
  • Dean of the Kyrgyz-European Faculty IIIEP Chynara Adamkulova made a presentation «Observatory of best practices in the field of strategic management of the university.»

After the break, the conference was held the following seminars:

  • «Cases of project management of the Tajik State University of Commerce and Finance and Economics Institute of Samarkand State University».
  • «The Case for Strategic Planning of Bukhara State University, East Kazakhstan State Technical University and the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications.»

In the closing session, the participants noted the high level of preparation and conduct of all activities of the conference.

The result of the participation of D.Serikbaev EKSTU ISMU project was the creation of the University Institute of Strategic Management (regional strategic platform virtual) universities in Central Asia, which will aim to disseminate best practices for strategic management of univer-sities in Central Asia and conduct online training courses university executives middle and senior managers in different areas: leadership, social responsibility, quality and strategy, human re-sources and infrastructure.