Summing up the results of the completed academic year 2023-2024, it should be noted that the second online seminar "Green University" was held on May 27. In the spring of 2023, having organized this dialogue platform for the first time, we expected that the seminar would become an annual event and in demand among universities and other organizations.

This time, more than 50 participants from five countries, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkey and Indonesia have registered for the seminar. The seminar brought together speakers from the leading environmental organizations of Kazakhstan: the Kazakhstan Association of Regional Environmental Initiatives "ECOJER" and the Coalition for a Green Economy and G-Global Development. In addition to EKTU, universities were represented by speakers from RUDN, Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), National University of Uzbekistan is named after Mirzo Ulugbek. The seminar was opened by a report by Dr. Junaidi, Vice Chairman of the international ranking UI GreenMetric. Dr. Junaidi and the UI GreenMetric ranking team have been supporting our university for the second time. We strive to attract as many universities as possible to participate in this rating and implement the SDGs in the activities of their organizations. All the presentations of the seminar speakers were devoted to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at universities, reducing the carbon footprint, options for solving issues of separate waste collection and recycling, improving energy conservation and academic issues regarding the "green" policy of universities.

All speakers and participants of the seminar received certificates. Colleagues presented their projects and programs in the field of SDGs at universities, found response and support among the participants.