The International Scientific and Technical Conference in honor of the 60th anniversary of the EKSTU named after D. Serikbaev "The role of universities in creating an innovative economy"
Date of the conference: September 26-27, 2018
- About Conference
- Conference topics
- Material for the conference
- Terms of participations at conference
- Registration fees
- Contacts
About Conference
September 26-27, 2018 will be the International Scientific and Technical Conference in honor of the 60th anniversary of the EKSTU named after D. Serikbaev "The role of universities in creating an innovative economy".
The conference program includes:
- plenary session (inauguration of the conference, main reports);
- sectional sessions (speeches of conference participants);
- closing session.
Conference topics
The conference work will be organized according to the following workshops:
- Innovative technologies in the Architecture, Construction and Professional Education;
- Innovations in the Mechanical Engineering, Technological Machines and Transport;
- Prospects for the development of the mining and metallurgical industry, problems and new horizons;
- Perspective materials for the traditional and alternative energetics;
- Accelerated technological modernization of Kazakhstan's economy is a new model of economic growth.
We invite you to take part in the conference work!
Material for the conference
Materials (in Russian, Kazakh and English) should give a clear picture of the nature, content and results of the author's work. Name of the electronic version of the article should contain the author name, workshop number, indicated first in the article. An electronic version of the application form is "Name of the author - the application form" (Example: Ivanov-c1; Ivanov - z1). An electronic version of the article and the electronic version of the application form should be in two different files. ARTICLE AND APPLICATION FORM IN ONE FILE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
The volume of materials should be 4-8 full pages of A4 format, taking into account figures and tables. The text should be typed in the text editor RTF in Times New Roman Cyr font 14 with a single line spacing, paragraph 1, 25 cm, aligned to the width of the page, the formulas should be typed using the formula editor. Page parameters: margins on all sides - 20 mm. Pages should not be numbered. Automatic word placement without using the "page break" function. References should be made in accordance with GOST 7.1.-2003. References to the literary sources are given in the text in figures in square brackets, as far as they are mentioned. The article is published in the collection on the basis of the decision of the editorial board.
UDC 669.1
Petrov P.P.1,Ivanov I.I. 2
1 North-Eastern Federal University M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk, Russia
2 D. Serikbayev East-Kazakhstan state technical university, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Text, text, text…
1. Ailamazyan A.K., Stas E.V. Informatics and theory of development. Moscow: Science, 1989. 170 pp.
2. Petrov Yu.N., Ivanov V.V. Calculation of reinforced concrete slab foundations interacting with a soil massif // Information technologies of design and study of bases and foundations:collection of scientific papers / South-Russian State Technical University. Novocherkassk: SRSTU, 1999. 110-114pp.
3. Babkina N.V., Tsitolovsky L.E. Active Electrogenesis of Command Neurons of Defensive Behavior of Molluscs // Journal of higher nervous activity. 1991. Т.41. №2. 18-26pp.
Terms of participations at conference
In order to have your report involved in the conference program it is necessary to send an application form for the conference participation and report to Е-mаіl, or submit them to the Organizing Committee in electronic form and by the indicated telephone of the Organizing Committee, and to make sure that your materails had been received by the Organizing Committee. Application form and Organizing Committee address are attached. Application form and reports are to be received by the Organizing Committee not later than August 2, 2018. Application forms received later than the indicated period will not be considered, reports will not be published.
By the beginning of the conference work conference material proceeding will have been published. Authors of the reports involved in the conference program after the editorial board consideration will be sent the second information letter (invitation). The program of the conference work can be got before the beginning of the conference from workshop secretary.
Organization payment for the university - conference establisher is 5000 tenge.
For other institutions an organizational fee of 15,000 tenge (2610 rubles, 47 dollars, 38 euros) is provided.
Organization payment should be paid to the operating account of
D. Serikbayev East-Kazakhstan state technical university, Kazakhstan, |
for payment in tenge |
for payment in rubles |
for payment in dollars |
for payment in euro |
IBAN KZ70914102203KZ000DL |
IBAN KZ13914102203RU000FJ |
IBAN KZ03914102203US0005L |
IBAN KZ29914102203EU0002S |
Family name_________________ First name__________________ Father’s name__________________
Organization, position, degree___________________________________________________________
Address (of the author/head)____________________________________________________________
Telephone (of the author/head)_____________________ E-mail________________________________
Report theme _______________________________________________________________________
Form of participation (full-time / part-time) _______________ The need for a hotel (yes / no) _______
Participation in excursions (route) _______________________________________________________
Date________________Signature _______________________________________________________
Application for participation in the conference, reports, scanned receipt of payment, please, submit before August 2, 2018 to the address: 070004, Ust-Kamenogorsk,. 69 Protazanov St, EKSTU.
Telephones for more information: +7(7232) 26-91-68, 26-05-40, e-mail:[email protected] with the indication: for the conference.
Registration fees
Organization payment for the university - conference establisher is 5000 tenge.
For other institutions an organizational fee of 15,000 tenge (2610 rubles, 47 dollars, 38 euros) is provided.
Organization payment should be paid to the operating account of
D. Serikbayev East-Kazakhstan state technical university, Kazakhstan, |
for payment in tenge |
for payment in rubles |
for payment in dollars |
for payment in euro |
IBAN KZ70914102203KZ000DL |
IBAN KZ13914102203RU000FJ |
IBAN KZ03914102203US0005L |
IBAN KZ29914102203EU0002S |
Application for participation in the conference, reports, scanned receipt of payment, please, submit before August 2, 2018 to the address: 070004, Ust-Kamenogorsk,. 69 Protazanov St, EKSTU.
Telephones for more information: +7(7232) 26-91-68, 26-05-40, e-mail: [email protected] with the indication: for the conference.