Scientific library of EKTU


Scientific library of EKTU after D.Serikbayev is one of the largest libraries with technical literature with more than 1 mln copies.

There are 6 reading rooms and 1 subscription in the library. Students, lecturers and scientific staff have an opportunity to use necessary academic, scientific, information literature and fiction. They can easily get quality consultations while writing reports, term, graduation and scientific papers. At the moment there are 58 computers including with the Internet accesa, three planetary scanners, copy machines in the computer laboratories. Library - bibliographical process is realized based on the automated library program "Irbis 64". Electronic library catalogue is available on the university site with alphabetical, systematic catalogues and systematic article card index.

Advance acquisition of the library under the university description and information requirements of users underlies the base of library and department activities. The library stock annually increases by 15-20 thousands copies. The library stock is actively being replenished by nontraditional information carriers such as video films, audiotapes, CDs. There unique editions of the XVIII - XIX centuries in the library.


The scientific library successfully went of the certification of quality management for correspondence to requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2008.

Scientific-bibliographical sector conducts information-bibliographical library instrument : electronic catalogue (BD articles); common systematic card index of articles; card indexes such as "the Republic of Kazakhstan", "East Kazakhstan", "Works of university scientists" are conducted in Russian and Kazakh. They keep information service assisted by IRI and DOR. Personal indexes of scientists of EKTU after D. Serikbayev are being created; information bulletin "New literature arrival" and index "Scientific works and academic books, published in EKTU after D.Serikbayev" are systematically being released. Information lists and indexes are both in Kazakh and Russian. The library carries out "Information weeks" about new literature arrivals, Departments' days, seminars with different groups of readers. Annually 1st year students are thought basic information about the library.

The library conducts large work to support the educational process. We carry out different subject shows, literature overviews, and meetings with famous people.

In the library there are 19 librarians, they are have higher education. Members of the library are always increasing their professional level by participating in various regional and republic seminars, trainings, conferences and debates. Today the library of EKTU after D. Serikbayev is a group of specialists, who have skills to work in modern conditions, with good intellectual and creative potential and strong information base.