Higher IT-College EKTU them. D. Serikbaeva conducts a recruitment of entrants on the basis of 9 and 11 classes, both full-time and part-time forms Cipher

Specialization Name of the qualification

06130100 – «Сomputer software (by type)»

  • 3W06130102 –Web designer
  • 4S06130103 –Software Developer
  • 4S06130105 - Information Systems Technician

04110100 –«Accounting and audit (by industry)»

  • 4S04110102 - Accountant-economist

07240500 – «Mineral processing (ore enrichment)»

  • 4S07240503 - Technician-technologist
  • 3W07240501- Operator of crushing and screening equipment
  • 3W07240502 –Agglomeration plant operator

07151400 –«Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals»

  • 4S07151404 - Metallurgist technician

10410300 –«Organization of transportation and traffic management in road transport»

  • 4S10410302 –Technician

07320100 –«Construction and operation of buildings and structures»

  • 4S07320106 - Construction technician

07150100 –«Mechanical engineering technology (by type)»

  • 4S07150106 - Mechanical technician

07161300 –«Maintenance, repair and operation of road transport»

  • 3W07161301 - Car repair mechanic
  • 3W07161303 - Transport repair master
  • 4S07161304 - Mechanical technician

06120100 –«Computer technology and information networks (by type)»

  • 3W06120101 - Computer hardware operator
  • 5АВ06120101 - Applied Bachelor of computer engineering and information networks

02110300 - «Graphic and multimedia design»

  • 4S02110304 - Graphic Designer

You have to make the first important decision in life - to choose a profession. Specialties of our college are in demand on the labor market. By studying with us, you will be able to realize your abilities and opportunities and become the young men the right to defer the draft. Students of the college use the laboratories and workshops of the university.



Контактная информация:

  8-776-417-76-31 Бухов Олег Николаевич

  8-705-654-41-52 Кенесбекова Диана Алибековна