SHOS University objectives are determined by multilateral regulatory legal acts, adopted by the states ШОС-members. They are:

  • strengthening of mutual trust and neighborly relations between the countries of  SHOS;
  • development of integration process in education, science and technologies;
  • enhancement  of multilateral educational scientific and cultural cooperation;
  • enhancement  for youth to acquire modern quality  education and for educators and scientists to develop scientific contacts;
  • rendering assistance in efficient collaboration  of the SHOS countries  in political, commercial and economic, scientific-technical and cultural spheres.

SHOS University central tasks:

  • broadening of students, postgraduates, doctoral candidates and teaching staff exchange;
  • academic collaboration development;
  • implementation of cutting-edge educational technologies;
  • setting-up mechanisms of the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education by the countries-SHOS University members and world educational community.

Secondary objectives:

  • execution of examinations and developing guidelines in specific areas of  SHOS collaboration;
  • training of personnel  SHOS structures and for affiliated organizations;
  • providing language(Russian and Chinese) and cross-cultural training.

Leading educational establishments of the countries participate in the interactive process of creation and functioning of the university. 

Basic teaching languages at the SHOS University will be a state language of host country and/or SHOS official languages- Russian and Chinese.

SHOS University should become an original "umbrella", and under its aegis and with its assistance  educational and scientific cooperation will be carried out.

The model of SHOS University should be based on the interaction of universities of the states- SHOS members, being head high schools in corresponding areas of training in the country.

The problem of head high schools consists in the stage-by-stage coordination of programs of post-graduate students, masters and the bachelors sold within the limits of educational standards of the countries, with the purpose of creation of uniform curriculums of University SHOS on corresponding areas of preparation.

The problem of head high schools consists in the stage-by-stage coordination of programs of post-graduate students, masters and the bachelors sold within the limits of educational standards of the countries, aiming at creation of uniform curriculums of the SHOS University on corresponding areas of training.

Management system of the SHOS University

  • Coordination Council provides coordination of activity of SHOS University at the level of the corresponding ministries and directing SHOS bodies and makes offers on maintenance of regulative-legal activity of SHOS University.
  • The Board of guardians provides formation of positive image of the SHOS University in the countries-participants and world educational community, attraction business-structures for joint training of specialists and assistance in employment of graduates. Promotes attraction of financial assets for development of SHOS University advances interests of SHOS University in various state and not state structures, funds and organizations.
  • Administration of SHOS University carries out management of current activity of SHOS University, including information-analytical, legal and financial-organizational maintenance of the University activity, conducting current affairs and documentation.
  • Expert groups on each area of training include one representative from each base high school on each area of training; carry out support of academic, methodical and research activity in concrete area of training.

The scheme of training

The student the program should have an opportunity to continue his study in the head foreign university realizing the given program from any semester. Thus the maximal term of stay and the quantity of foreign universities-partners is not limited. The student is obliged to be trained in a foreign university-partner for a period not less than 1 semester.

Summarizing the results, the student receives the diploma of high school in which he has begun training or has studied the greatest term (not less than 60 % of time) and at the initial stage of creation of SHOS University - the certificate of SHOS University, and in a consequence - the uniform diploma of SHOS University.

Entrance to SHOS University is carried out according to the legislation of the countries-participants SHOS, local certificates of Base high school SHOS University. The base high school of University SHOS independently develops and approves rules of application regarding the host country of base university not contradicting the legislation and application rules established by authorized executive body of the country-participant SHOS.