Within the last week of September and the beginning of October, 2012,01 by the invitation of the management of DIA of the East Kazakhstan State, students of 3-4 courses of faculties "Mechanical engineering and transport", "Information technologies and power" and students of 1 course of specialty "Customs business" of faculty "Economy and management" under the direction of the c.j.s, assistant professor Sidorenko T.V., sen. teacher Gabdulina A.O. (chair "History of Kazakhstan and the law") within subject studying "Law enforcement agencies" on discipline of "Law basis" visitors the Center of an operational management (COM) and a museum of history of Department of internal affairs of EKST.

Students of university had possibility directly to get acquainted 03 both with activity of  law enforcement agency as a whole, and with work of the COM of EKST, one of the modern technically modernized divisions in structure of law-enforcement bodies of area which carries out reception, processing, registration and storage of arriving information on crimes and incidents; ensuring operative response to calls arriving to the line "102", acceptance of urgent measures to disclosure of crimes; and also the analysis, an assessment of an operative situation in state; control of a criminogenic situation in East region and so on.

02 The manager of a museum of history DIA EKST of Mozhelev T.P. fascinatingly told about the deserved employees, veterans of  law-enforcement bodies, about the employees brought in "The Honour Book", about history of formation of law-enforcement bodies not only Sovereign Kazakhstan, but also last century.

From the management of DIA of  EKST as a gift the next issue of the magazine was handed over to all students «Шығыстың сақшылары. Полицейские Востока. The policemen of  East».


c.j.s., assistant professor Sidorenko T.V., Gabdullin A.O. sen. teacher