About the course

The course is designed for future specialists aiming at foreign language communicative competence in the professional field, so that students can continue their education in a foreign language environment (English for AcademicPurpose), master their profession and realize professional activities (English for Professional Purpose). At the end of the course, students will understand conversation in professional area, news programs, lectures; communicate effectively with native speakers during the interview, as well as communicate on professional topics; understand various texts related to their profession; describe the processes, charts, graphs, diagrams, tables and other documentation in professional sphere.


Yelena E. Gorban, associate professor, Kandidat of Philological sciences, conducts practical classes in "Foreign (English) language", "Professionally-oriented foreign language" for undergraduate students, "Foreign (English) language (professional)" for postgraduate students, "Technical foreign (English) language", "Business foreign (English) language" for doctoral students.

Yelena V. Popkova, senior lecturer, Master, conducts practical classes in "Foreign (English) language", "Professionally-oriented foreign language" for undergraduate students, "Foreign (English) language (professional)" for postgraduate students. She is the holder of the international certificate in teaching English.

Yelena F. Ney, senior lecturer, conducts practical classes in "Foreign (English) language", "Professionally-oriented foreign language" for undergraduate students, "Foreign (English) language (professional)" for postgraduate students. She is the holder of the international certificate in teaching English.

Marzhan T. Rakhmetkaliyeva, teacher, conducts practical classes in "Foreign (English) language", "Professionally-oriented foreign language" for undergraduate students. She is the holder of the international certificate in teaching English.

Kymbat M. Toktargaliyeva, teacher, conducts practical classes in "Foreign (English) language", "Professionally-oriented foreign language" for undergraduate students. She is the holder of the international certificate in teaching English.

Aray K. Kairoldina, teacher, conducts practical classes in "Foreign (English) language", "Professionally-oriented foreign language" for undergraduate students. She is the holder of the international certificate in teaching English.

Viktoriya E. Stepanova, teacher, conducts practical classes in "Foreign (English) language", "Professionally-oriented foreign language" for undergraduate students. She is the holder of the international certificate in teaching English.