About the course

Professional communication is the verbal interaction of specialists with other specialists and clients of the organization in the course of professional activities. The culture of professional speech largely determines the effectiveness of the organization as a whole and the reputation of the individual specialist.

Communicative behavior implies such an organization of speech and its corresponding speech behavior, which affect the creation and content of the emotional and psychological atmosphere of communication with colleagues and customers, the nature of the relationship of participants in the production process, the style of their work.

For success in professional activity a modern specialist needs to master the skills of speech culture, possess linguistic, communicative and behavioral competence in professional communication.


ZHajnagul D. Adilbaeva, senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Gulzada B. Asavbaeva, candidate of philological sciences, head of the department, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Farida I. Bajbatanova, senior lecturer, disciplines: Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language.

Regina P. Dronsejka, candidate of philological sciences senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Gulzhan T. Esimzhanova, senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Saule K. Erezhepova, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Bejbitgul S. ZHaksylykova, senior lecturer, disciplines: Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language.

Zaru T. Sagitzhanova, candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Darya S. Surova, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Alia K. Bakieva, senior lecturer, disciplines: Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language

Altynay K. Smagul, senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.