Annually, here already throughout not one ten years, in April at university extraordinary event under the name "Fair of specialists" is held to which heads of the enterprises of the city and area interested in our graduates are invited.

Both for university, and for the enterprises and the organizations it not the next action, and an important stage in their activity.

Our country after independence acquisition, followed a market way of development and surely on it moves. Market conditions entered and into activity of higher educational institutions.

Today, an unbiased fact is that circumstance that the university prepares "production" – specialists for economy of Kazakhstan and represents the goods at fair. And the enterprises, potential consumers of this production as it also is accepted in market conditions, estimate and choose "goods" necessary to, i.e. graduates.

Modern "buyer" - the employer demands "production" of the graduate possessing not only the wide range of theoretical knowledge, but that the most important, having practical skills in the specialty, ability to adapt on production, to be widely educated and to have an active living position.

But to university to one not to train such specialists. The tandem represented by the enterprises is necessary. Also is pleasant to note that such diversified tandem practically took place. Such fact can be an example of that.

At university on chair of Innovative management prepare specialists in the specialties Management and Marketing. Graduates of these specialties have huge success in employers. And, all this thanks to that such firms take part in their preparation as, JSC «Azia Avto», «Bipek-Avto» LLP, «Bipek-stroy» LLP, group of companies Katon-Karagaysky «Cervine park», «Vostok-Moloko» LLP, etc. Thus, forms of relationship the most various: at one enterprises chair branches on production function, workers of others give lectures, participate in work of the state certifying commissions, direct degree projects, carry out practice at the enterprises, etc.

All this together promotes preparation of demanded experts. Confirmation of it, that fact can serve that within the carried-out fair of experts was signed only on chair of Innovative management of 8 contracts for employment of graduates, 6 framework agreements and practically all graduates are invited to the enterprises for interview.

Professor of chair IM, O. N. Chikunov

  • Temirbekov N.M, Saylaubayev S.Z.
  • Saylaubayev S.Z.- Director general of Vostok Moloko LLP
  • Varavin E.V., Saylaubayev S.Z.
  • Toktarov N.Z. Director of Katon-Karagaysky Cervine Park group of companies
  • Konurbaeva Z.T., Saylaubayev S.Z.
  • Mazhirinov D.S. Deputy directors of JSC BTA Bank
  • Samoylov A.G. ТОО «Бипэк Авто»