There was the signing of the Memorandum on mutual cooperation between D. Serikbaev EKSTU and O. Bokey Kazakh school-Lyceum №44 in Rectorate in Ust-Kamenogorsk.

The rector of the University Nurlan Temirbekov and Director of the school-Lyceum Tanatkan Tumenbayev signed this significant cooperation agreement.

- We have close friendly relations with this school for a long time, - said Nurlan Temirbekov. - Many of its graduates have become our students.  Preparation of children in this school is strong, we are always glad to see these children. Let's start steadily to cooperate!

Tanatkan Tumenbayev thanked the rector of the University for the high appreciation of the merit of the whole staff school. 

- I had dreamed that our cooperation was carried out not in words but in deeds, - he said. Today we signed an important document that confirms and guarantees our close and productive collaboration. We focus our students on engineering and technical professions, because it is a requirement of time. D. Serikbaev EKSTU will help our graduates to realize their dream of qualitative higher education. 

In conclusion of the meeting in a solemn atmosphere Nurlan Temirbekov handed Tanatkan Tumenbayev the medal "For contribution to the University development".