The round table "Role of the First President of Kazakhstan in the formation interdenominational relation model" took place at D.Serikbayev EKSTU. It was attended by representatives of government agencies and the clergy, scientists and experts, teachers and students of higher and secondary educational institutions. The religious diversity of the Republic of Kazakhstan was investigated at the meeting, as well as purposeful steps of the Republic Head to reach interdenominational harmony, especially Kazakh model of a tolerant society.

The following people delivered the speech in front of the meeting participants: Nelly Krasnobayeva, D.Serikbayev EKSTU Philosophy and human development problem sub-department head, Eleanora Stolyarova, Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Philosophy and human development problem sub-department, D.Serikbayev EKSTU, Oksana Morozova, Philosophy and social and political theories sub-department head, S.Amanzholov EKSU, and members of the clergy.