In order to raise awareness among students about the problem of energy and resource conservation in the daily life of the university, the formation of ecological thinking and behavior, a competition "Green Campus - "green" slogans" was held in February 2021.

The main objectives of the competition were:

  • obtaining original "green" ideas that can be implemented on campus as a result of the competition;
  • raising awareness of students about the "green" activities of the university;
  • development of volunteer activities;
  • encouraging students in the field of social and creative activities.

The competition was attended by students of various courses and specialties under the guidance of teachers. The guys presented original "green" slogans designed in the form of campaign posters for the contest. The works of the winners of the competition will be placed on the university campus to attract attention to the issues of energy and resource conservation, eco-friendly transport, separate garbage collection.

Congratulations on winning the contest:

  • 1st place - Emelyanova A.Yu., group 19-AR-1, head Gurskaya O.E., title of the work: "Our choice: "Green" transport! Our future: Green planet!"
  • 2nd place - Kasymgozha А.А.., the group of 20-LDK-1, head Aubakirova Z. A., title of the work: "Our planet is our life!"
  • 3rd place - Aryngazinov I.Т.. group 19-AR-1, head Gurskaya, E. O., title of the work: "Rule over your consciousness and divide!"