D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University hosted the delegation of the Novosibirsk State Technical University with a two-day working visit. Within the bounds of this visit, the guests met with the University’s management, EKSTU scientists and teaching staff. During the round table, the Russian colleagues were showed a presentation "Digital University" and a number of research programs. In particular, manufacture of superconducting wire for MRT from tantalum, production of implants based on tantalum, development of structural materials for the nuclear industry, development of building materials for 3-d printings, etc.
The parties considered the prospects of creating double-diplomas programs, organization of foreign scientists work possibility in the framework of educational programs considering international participation, also in English, as well as the joint use of laboratories’ equipment for prototyping, metalworking and materials science. As the part of the meeting there was an excursion around the University. The guests visited the laboratories, research and production sites and the museum "Big Altai". In conclusion, the List of cooperation directions was signed between the NSTU and the EKSTU as well as the Protocol for coordinating the curricula for the double-diplomas EP on Power Engineering and Heat Power Engineering.
Press Office of D. Serikbayev EKSTU