On November 14, 2023, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted the international conference "Green Universities. Cooperation of countries".

EKTU actively implements and supports green initiatives. Our university was invited to participate in this event to share its experience with other universities. Report on the topic: "EKTU. GREEN CAMPUS - GREEN UNIVERSITY, Path of EKTU to a green strategy" was presented to the audience by Olga Petrova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer at the School of Earth Sciences, Responsible person for filling out the green ratings of the university.

Among the speakers of the conference were representatives of Kazakhstani universities, which occupy leading positions in Kazakhstan according to the rating of Green Metric. Universities of Belarus, Russia, and Uzbekistan, Representatives of universities abroad and representatives of the team of the international green university rating Green Metric also took part.

All universities presented their green initiatives, exchanged experience of their implementation, interesting ideas.

The presentation of the rating of "green" universities of Russia and the system of voluntary certification of educational organizations took place at the conference. It was proposed to create an international association of "green" universities.