Abraham Atta Ogwu教授
Abraham Atta Ogwu教授是英国公民,于2019年任命东哈萨克斯坦D.serikbayev国立技术大学国际化副校长(相当于美国的“副校长”,英国的 “副校长”)位于哈萨克斯坦共和国乌斯卡缅诺戈尔斯克市。Ogwu教授是英国物理研究所的研究员,并于2007年至2011年在该研究所的奖学金选举研究所任职 Ogwu教授还是英国材料,矿产和采矿研究所(FIMMM)的成员。开始并协调来自英国,苏格兰(2008)的冶金和材料科学的统一申请,该申请在美国获得第20至第12名(RAE 2008)。1998年被Tom Coyle教授邀请,在葡萄牙Aveiros大学机械工程系担任教师,2003年至2004年又受到Jose Gracio教授邀请。从2002年到2018年,Ogwu教授在英国佩斯利的苏格兰西部大学(前身为佩斯利大学)担任材料科学与工程教师。他是2005年至2008年理事会(苏格兰理事机构)和大学战略与资源委员会的成员。
教授还担任了非洲技术大学的校长/副校长,在2008年至2010年期间,他加入了英联邦大学协会。他还被任命为英国北爱尔兰约旦斯敦阿尔斯特大学工程学院机械工程系的学术职位(1998-2002),期间还担任了NIBEC /纳米技术中心首席研究员。 Ogwu教授从1999年到2002年在同一个机构担任校园管理员(学生事务院长)。
1994年至1998年, Ogwu教授在英国曼彻斯特大学材料科学学院(原材料科学中心)工作,担任EPRC研究研究员。并获得博士学位。他是若干成功的博士生的导师,也是美国、澳大利亚、马来西亚、印度、巴基斯坦和其他国家博士论文的考官。他还担任英国和其他国家学术任命的外部专家。 20多年来,Ogwu教授一直担任多个研究/咨询项目的首席研究员/研究员,包括“苏格兰格拉斯哥的Thales Optronics”和“美国加利福尼亚州的Sub-one”、“苏格兰的ITI能源”项目。他是100多篇同行评审期刊和科学会议材料的作者、共同作者。他是最近主要科学会议的会议主持人、会议主席/科学和组织委员会成员,并在韩国,日本,波兰,中国,捷克共和国,葡萄牙,印度,法国,美国和英国的研讨会上发表演讲的重要嘉宾。1982年,奥格武教授获得Ife大学(现为OAU)工程物理荣誉学士学位。1986年,获英国曼彻斯特大学金属和陶瓷材料科学硕士学位,1994年获奥帕斯州科学博士学位。2011年,他在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院完成管理学课程。 2005年,教授在英国牛津大学新学院完成了“英国大学管理发展课程(UUK)”行政人员的课程。2006年4月,Ogvu教授参加了由英国知识合作组织在英国英国剑桥大学塞尔文斯基学院和法学院举办的“高等教育的未来,动态市场的战略方法”研讨会。
SET for Britain(2005) - GSI,由欧洲核研究机构(CERN)赞助,瑞士日内瓦,HEPTech奖(2017年) - 苏格兰大学物理大学(苏格兰)苏格兰大学候选人,德国达姆施塔特创新并参加了欧洲HEPTech知识转移研讨会。
Ogwu教授的研究项目超过20年担任首席研究员/研究员,包括“苏格兰格拉斯哥的泰勒斯光电和美国的”子项目“加州的一个” / ITI能源项目。他是100多篇科学会议科学文章和材料的作者/共同作者。韩国,日本,波兰,中国,捷克,葡萄牙,印度,法国,美国和英国的主音箱会议/研讨会主席,是科学和组织委员会的成员。
Professor Abraham Atta. Ogwu (Managing Guest Editor) with Dr Malika Ardhaoui (Guest Editor), special issue on selected refereed papers from papers presented at the Surfboat 2017 conference, Incheon, South Korea. The papers were published in the May 2019 issue of the journal, Applied Surface Science, published by Elsevier.
Invited guest editorial (A.A. Ogwu and T.J. Davies) by the former U.K. Institute of Materials (IOM, now IOM3), U. K in 1996 to prepare a summary of the presentations at the European Powder Metallurgy congress in 1996: Advances in Hard Materials Production Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, for the Journal of Powder Metallurgy. Published under News and Views, Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 39, No. 2 (1996), pp. 106-15.
A.M. Oje, A.A. Ogwu, S. Ur Rahman Alex. I. Oje, Nathaniel Tsendzughul, Effect of temperature variation on the corrosion behaviour and semi-conducting properties of the passive film formed on chromium oxide coatings exposed to saline solution, Corrosion Science, 154 (2019) 28-35.
Alex. I. Oje, A.A. Ogwu, Mojtaba Mirzaeian A.M. Oje, Nathaniel Tsendzughul, Silver thin film electrodes for super capacitor applications, Applied Surface Science, 488(2019),142-150.
P. Munoz de Escalona, A. Walker, A. Ogwu, T.N. Baker, Comparison of empirical and predicted substrate temperature during surface melting of micro-alloyed steel using TIG technique and considering three gases, Applied Surface Science, 477 (2019)179-183
Alex. i. Oje, A.A. Ogwu et al, Electrochemical energy storage of silver and silver oxide thin films in an aqueous NaCl electrolyte, Journal of Electroanalytical chemistry, 829 (2018) 59-68.
A.M. Oje and A.A. Ogwu, Chromium oxide coatings with the potential for eliminating the risk of chromium ion release in orthopaedic implants, Royal Society Open science, 4 (2017), 170218.
Mojtaba Mirzaeian, Abraham Ogwu, N. Tsendzughul et al, Surface characterisation of silver electrodes for super capacitor applications, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 519 (2017) 223-230,
T.I.T. Okpalugo and A.A. Ogwu (Invited book chapter), DLC thin films for implantable medical devices, Chapter 11, Thin Film Coatings for Biomaterials and Biomedical applications, Wood head publishing series in Biomaterials, Number 110, 2016, Elsevier (Wood head) publishing, ISBN: 978-1-78242-453-6. Editor: Hans J. Grasser).
A. Ogwu and T. Hellwig, Boron phosphide coatings for hazardous radioactive waste and geothermal power applications, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 9 (2014) p8299-8319.
A.A. Ogwu and T.H. Darma, A reactive magnetron sputtering route for attaining a controlled core-rim phase partitioning in Cu2O/CuO thin films with resistive switching potential, Journal of Applied physics, Vol.113, issue 18, 183522 (2013), P 1-8.
A.A. Ogwu, T.I.T. Okpalugo and J.A.D. McLaughlin, The effect of PECVD plasma decomposition on the wettability and dielectric constant changes in silicon modified DLC films for potential MEMS and low stiction applications, AIP Advances, Issue 2, 032128 (2012), p1-8.
A.A. Ogwu, T.I.T Okpalugo, N. Ali, P.D. Maguire J.A.D. McLaughlin, Endothelial cell compatibility of silicon modified hydrogenated amorphous carbon thin films, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B: Applied Biomaterials 85B, 2008, p105-113.
T.I.T. Okpalugo, A.A. Ogwu, A.C. Okpalugo, R.W. McCullough and W. Ahmed, Human micro-vascular endothelial cells interaction with atomic-nitrogen doped Diamond-like carbon thin films, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B: Applied Biomaterials 85B, 2008, p 188-195.
B. Mallia, K.L. Dahm, A. Ogwu and P.A. Dearnley, The structure and properties of magnetron sputtered Fe-Cr-Ni coatings containing sigma phase, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 4, 2007, S113-119.
Invited to contribute two chapters to a 2007 scientific monograph by Springer publishers, New York, USA, entitled ‘Surface Engineered Surgical Tools and Medical devices, ISBN: 978-0-387-270264, with a foreword by Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Laureate, one of which was, O. Ademosu, A.A. Ogwu, J. McLean and F. Placido. The effect of shape and surface modification on the corrosion of biomedical nitinol alloy wires exposed to saline solution. Invited chapter.
T.I. Okpalugo, N. Ali, A.A. Ogwu et al, Amorphous and Nano-composite Diamond-like carbon coatings for biomedical applications, Invited book chapter in the scientific monograph titled ‘Nano-composite films and coatings, Imperial College press, London, Sept 2007. Editors: Sam Zhang and Nasar Ali. ISBN: 978-1860947841.
T.I.T Okpalugo, A.A. Ogwu, J.A.D. McLaughlin et al, A comparison of human endothelial cell interaction with N-doped and Si-doped DLC thin films, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials (2006) 78B, P222-229.
N. Ali, Y. Kousar, T.I. Okpalugo, A.A. Ogwu et al, Human Microvascular endothelial cell seeding on Cr-DLC thin films for mechanical heart valve applications, Thin Solid Films, 515(2006), P59-65.
B.D. Beake, A.A. Ogwu, T. Wagner, Influence of experimental factors and film thickness on the measured critical load in the Nano-scratch test, Materials Science and Engineering A, 423 (2006), P70-73.
A.A. Ogwu et al, An investigation of the surface energy and optical transmittance of copper oxide films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. Acta Materialia 53 (2005) P5151-5159.
A. A. Ogwu, E. Bouquerel, O. Ademosu, S. Moh, E. Cross an and F. Placido, The influence of rf power and oxygen flow rate during deposition on the optical transmittance of copper oxide thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. Journal of Physics D: Applied physics 38 (2005) P266-271.
A.A. Ogwu, E. Bouquerel, O. Ademosu, S. Moh, E. Crossan and F. Placido, An extended Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeat theory approach to determining the surface energy of copper oxide thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 36A (2005) P2435-2439.
N. Ali, G. Cabral, E. Titus, A.A. Ogwu and J. Gracio, Characterisation of Diamond adhesion on micro-grain WC-Co substrates using Brinell indentations and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Journal of physics: Condensed Matter 16 (2004) p1-14.
T.I.T Okpalugo, A.A. Ogwu, P.D. Maguire, J.A.D. McLaughlin, Platelet adhesion on silicon modified hydrogenated amorphous carbon films, Biomaterials 25 (2004) p239-245.
A.A Ogwu, T. Coyle, T.I.T. Okpalugo, P. Kearney, P.D. Maguire, J.A.D. McLaughlin, The influence of biological fluids on crack spacing distribution in Si-DLC films on steel substrates. Acta Materialia 51 (2003) 3455-3465.
D.P. Magill, A.A. Ogwu, J. McLaughlin, P.D. Maguire et al, Electrical characteristics of nitrogen doped hydrogenated amorphous carbon, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A19(5), sept/oct2001, p2456-2462.
P.D. Maguire, D.P. Magill, A.A. Ogwu and J. McLaughlin, The insulating properties of a-C: H on silicon and metal substrates, Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001), pp216-223.
P. Lemoine, J.F. Zhao, J.P. Quinn, A.A. Ogwu et al, Nano-indentation and scratch resistance testing on magnetic tape heads coated with ultra-thin amorphous carbon layers. Wear 244 (2000) pp79-84.
A.A Ogwu, D. Magill, P. Maguire, J. McLaughlin, R.W. McCullough and D. Voulot, Nitrogen doping of a-C:H by R×F. plasma dissociated nitrogen atom surface bombardment in a vacuum., Surface Engineering (2000), vol.16, No.5, pp427-430.
A.A Ogwu, R.W Lamberton, P.D Maguire, J.A McLaughlin, The effect of substrate bias on the Raman Spectra and thermal stability of Diamond like Carbon (DLC) and silicon modified DLC films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 32, (1999) pp981-987.
P. Lemoine, R.W. Lamberton, A.A. Ogwu, J. McLaughlin, Complementary techniques for the morphological study of ultra-thin amorphous carbon films. Journal of Applied physics, Vol 86, 1999, No.11,
A.A Ogwu, R.W Lamberton, S. Morley, P.D Maguire, J.A McLaughlin, Characterisation of thermally annealed DLC and Si-DLC by Raman Spectroscopy. Physica B, 269 (1999) pp335 –344.
A.A Ogwu and T.J Davies, t phase formation in a Tic+TiB2 composite with a nickel based binder alloy. Scripta Materialia, Vol.40, no.12 (1999) pp1377-1380.
P.A Dearnley, J. Gummersbach, H. Weiss, A.A Ogwu, T.J Davies, The sliding wear resistance and frictional characteristics of surface modified aluminium alloys under extreme pressure. Wear, 225-229, (1999) pp127-134.
A.A. Ogwu and T.J. Davies, Improving the sensitisation resistance of ferritic stainless steels, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 37, No. 3, (1997) pp259 – 263.
A.A. Ogwu and T.J. Davies, The densification and mechanical properties of a TiC and TiB2 hardmetal sintered with a reactive binder alloy, Physica status solidi (a) 1996 pp101 – 116.
Z.C. Wang, T.J. Davies, N. Ridley and A.A. Ogwu, Superplasticity of Ceramic Materials – II, Effect of initial porosity and doping on the Superplastic behaviour of Alumina, Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, Vol. 44, No.11, (1996) pp4301 – 4309.
T.J. Davies, A.A. Ogwu, N. Ridley and Z.C. Wang, Super plasticity in Ceramic Materials – Part I: The observation of a Superplastic partition in Ceramics, Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, Vol. 44, No. 6 (1996) pp2373 – 2382.
T. J. Davies, A. A. Ogwu, A Possible Route to Improving the ductility of brittle Intermetallic Compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 228, 1995, pp. 105-111.
A. Ogwu and T. J. Davies, the bonding configurational changes associated with the α-Ferrite/β-Austenite Phase Stability in Steels due to transition metal alloy elements, Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 10, 1994, pp. 1026-1030.
A. Ogwu and T. J. Davies, The effect of the electronic state, stoichiometry and ordering energy on the ductility of transition metal=based Intermetallics, Journal of Materials Science, 28, 1993, pp. 847-852.
T. J. Davies, H.G. Emblem, A. Harabi, C.S. Nwobodo, A. A Ogwu and V. Tsantzalou, Characterisation and Properties of Alumina-Chrome Refractories, British Ceramic Transactions and Journal, 91, 1992, pp. 71-76.
T.J. Davies, H.G. Emblem, C.S Nwobodo, A.A. Ogwu, and V. Tsantzalou, Preparation and Properties of Some Alumina-Chrome Refractories, Journal of Materials Science, 26, 1991, pp. 1061-1068.
T.J. Davies, H.G. Emblem, C.S Nwobodo, A.A. Ogwu, and V. Tsantzalou, Solid Solution Formation in Alumina-Chrome Refractories, Polyhedron Vol. 8 No. 13/14, 1989, pp. 1765.