In march 2010 joint of Kazakhstan to Bologna declaration became a huge step forward to internalization of education and science. Participation of Kazakhstan in Bologna process (Bologna process is the approaching and harmonization process of the educational systems of European countries in the frame of the Bologna Declaration, the aim of which  is creation common European  area of Higher education) allows  widen access to European education, gradual development of its quality and increase the rate of students and faculty stuff mobility by accepting comparable graduation system, using of credit system, giving graduate students the pan-European diploma application. Internationalization of education and science also enables acknowledgement of Kazakhstani educational programs and curriculums, convertibility of Kazakhstani diplomas in European regions, job placement allowance for graduates in any country.
Kazakhstan is the first central-Asia country to become a member of Bologna declaration and competent participant of European educational area. By joining to Bologna process, participants are responsible for the basic points realization.

In September 2010 EKSTU named after D. Serikbayev signed the Great Charter of universities, members of Bologna declaration.
International relations of EKSTU is the inalienable part of university integration into international educational and scientific area.

Basic points of Bologna process

Necessary points are considered as paramount for creation of European higher education Area and advancement of European higher education system all over the world.

Necessary points of Bologna process:

  • Three level system of higher education
  • ECTS academic credits
  • Academic mobility of students, lecturers and administrative staff.
  • European application to diploma
  • Higher education quality control
  • Creation of common European research area

Recommendatory points are advisory type and useful in advancement of Bologna process.

Recommendatory points of Bologna process:

  • Common European valuation
  • Active involvement of students
  • Social support of indigent students
  • Education through whole life

Facultative points are meaningful in planning and organizing of classes with taking account of employer interests and society inquires.

Facultative points of Bologna process:

  • Educational contest harmonization on the way of preparation
  • Nonlinear trajectory of students education, elective courses
  • Modular system
  • Remote education, online courses
  • Students and lecturers academic ratings