Department for financial and analytical activities is an independent structural division and reports to Vice-Rector for Finance and Economic Affairs.
Management structure:
- Public procurement Department
Acting chief Zh. T.Tashybayeva
The management is guided by the following normative documents:
- Regulations of the President and Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Finance and taxes;
- The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 414-V dated November 23, 2015;
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education" No. 319-III dated 27.07.2007;
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About state property" No. 413–1V dated March 1, 2011;
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 407-IV "About science” dated 18.02.2011
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About public procurement" No. 434-V dated December 4, 2015
- Order No. 249 of the acting Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 27, 2015 "About approval of the Rules for the development and approval of development plans for state-controlled joint-stock companies and limited liability partnerships, state-owned enterprises, as well as monitoring and evaluation of their implementation»;
- Order No. 248 of the acting Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 27, 2015 "About approval of the Rules for developing and submitting reports on the implementation of development plans for state-controlled joint-stock companies, limited liability partnerships and state-owned enterprises»;
- Orders and instructions from the Authorized body;
- The Charter Of The University;
- Accounting policy of the University;
- Orders and regulations of the rector;
- Other regulatory and legal acts;
- current legislation on public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the rules of public procurement approved by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
The Department is responsible for planning and analyzing of financial and economic activities of the University.
Provides targeted use of the University's funds by types of activities and sources of funding.
Performs analytical work, including economic, financial, operational, current and prospective types of analysis of the University's activities. Analyzes the development plan, financial and economic activities, use of material, labor and financial resources of the University.
Makes suggestions for improving the University's activities based on the conducted analyses.
Purchases goods, works, and services necessary to ensure the educational process in accordance with the statutory activities of EKSTU, carried out in accordance with the current legislation on public procurement, as well as the Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.