Minor "Design Graphics"

Graphic images and models are an integral part of modern technical culture, and geometric models are considered one of the most versatile computer models and are widely used in combination with other types of modeling in modern machine-building systems for computer-aided design and technological preparation of production (CAD-CAD, in English terminology - CAD / CAM / CAE / CAPP - systems).

Design graphics is a tool with which engineers and designers create new technical products.

The course is aimed at mastering the Compas-3D and AutoCad applications, after studying which the student will be able to create new drawings of various objects and draw up related documentation, as well as master the ability to automate the process of creating various projects.


Purpose:  to provide an educational complex in the field of professional activity in modern engineering systems (CAD / CAMP TP, CAD / CAM / CAE / CAPP in English terminology), which will be used independently in the automation of production and technological preparation of production.

Specialist’s competencies map Core competencies being formed Learning outcomes
The skills of engineers and designers in the application of applied graphic programs are aimed at the development of technical products and their orientation towards decision-making. Mastering the process of technological preparation of production in accordance with the standards of automation of the process of creating various projects
Execution of drawings and supporting documents
Application programs Compas-3D and AutoCad basic principles of work





  • Labor input:  5 credits per semester
  • Prerequisites:  no
  • Status: 
  • Minimum number of listeners:  10
  • Maximum number of listeners:  30
  • Years of implementation: 
  • Planned location: st. Serikbayev, 19