BR21882022 “Research of avalanche activity in the East Kazakhstan region for development of monitoring systems and scientific substantiation of their placement”

The name of the competition within which the program is being implemented: A competition for program-targeted financing for scientific, scientific and technical programs for 2023-2025 with a duration of 28 months.

Program Manager: Denissova Natalia, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Digital Officer of D. Serikbaev EKTU.


The research group of the project

Full name Project position Identifiers ResearcherID, ORCID, Scopus Author ID (if available)
1 Olga Petrova Leading researcher, responsible executive Scopus ID: 57914441000
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1189-7293
2 Zhanat Idrisheva Leading researcher Scopus ID: 57204963751
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0289-0839
3 Gulzhan Daumova Leading researcher Scopus ID: 6504514394
Researcher ID: AAB-4317-2019
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6312-5343
4 Saule Rakhmatullina Leading researcher Scopus ID: 56658733600
Researcher ID: AAB-7598-2021
ORCID: 0000-0002-3142-0249
5 Nurbek Saparkhodzhaev Leading researcher Scopus ID: 26531825600
Researcher ID: M-6296-2015
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9204-5374
6 Igor Denisov Senior Researcher ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8424-4034
7 Marzhan Rakhymberdina Senior Researcher Scopus ID: 57189062804
Researcher ID: AAE-7814-2021
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2196-6512
8 Vladimir Shevlyakov Senior Researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0004-0172-4999
9 Dmitry Dogadkin Senior Researcher Scopus ID: 57205293605
Researcher ID: ABF-2859-2021
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5589-1638
10 Daniyar Kaliev Senior Researcher Scopus ID: 57736619500
Researcher ID: ABR-2406-2022
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7281-2022
11 Ruslan Chettykbaev Senior Researcher Scopus ID: 56658674500
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3822-9882
12 Vitaly Zuev Researcher Scopus ID: 57353009600
ORCID ID: 0009-0009-6703-0267
13 Evgeny Fedkin Researcher Scopus ID: 57214758447
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9828-1706
14 Dmitry Spivak Researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0008-9131-4166
15 Evgeny Sergazinov Researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0004-7781-5547
16 Bolat Nurkin Researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0005-0948-8596
17 Natalia Vsyakikh Junior researcher  
18 Erbolat Mashaev Junior researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0007-4128-4854
19 Erkebulan Bekeshev Junior researcher ORCID: 0000-0001-6608-193X
20 Azamat Kapasov Junior researcher Scopus Author ID: 57914966200
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7996-8804
21 Elena Ivashchenko Junior researcher Scopus Author ID: 58114484800
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9233-6593
22 Vladimir Sizintsev Junior researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0005-9096-3613
23 Dana Sovetbekova Junior researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0004-8071-8115
24 Irina Butorina Junior researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0007-4010-7979
Young scientists (under 40 + teaching staff (Students, undergraduates)
  Full name Project position Identifiers ResearcherID, ORCID, Scopus Author ID (if available) Note (teacher, student, undergraduate, doctoral student)
1 Zuev Vitaly Researcher Scopus ID: 57353009600
ORCID ID: 0009-0009-6703-0267
2 Chettykbaev Ruslan Senior Researcher Scopus ID: 56658674500
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3822-9882
doctoral student
3 Mashaev Erbolat Junior researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0007-4128-4854  
4 Bekeshev Erkebulan Junior researcher ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6608-193X  
5 Kapasov Azamat Junior researcher Scopus Author ID: 57914966200
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7996-8804
6 Dogadkin Dmitry Senior Researcher Scopus ID: 57205293605
Researcher ID: ABF-2859-2021
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5589-1638
doctoral student
7 Kaliev Daniyar Senior Researcher Scopus ID: 57736619500
Researcher ID: ABR-2406-2022
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7281-2022
doctoral student
8 Spivak Dmitry Researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0008-9131-4166  
9 Sizintsev Vladimir Junior researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0005-9096-3613 undergraduate
10 Sovetbekova Dana Junior researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0004-8071-8115 undergraduate
11 Butorina Irina Junior researcher ORCID ID: 0009-0007-4010-7979 undergraduate
12 Fedkin Evgeny Researcher Scopus ID: 57214758447
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9828-1706
doctoral student

Project abstract:

The avalanche hazard which is increasing every year requires the use of modern monitoring systems.

An involuntary avalanche can cause human casualties, significant damage to material property and the environment. The solution to this problem is the development and installation of an automated avalanche hazard monitoring system on dangerous slopes.

In world practice, there are several options for organizing observations of avalanche prone locations, which can use various methods, observations on the slopes or remote sensing. But the sphere of avalanche hazard monitoring continues to develop. At the same time, new methods of big data processing and machine learning can be used. The new systems must take into account the totality of various parameters affecting the avalanche in order to improve the accuracy of predict and the timeliness of warnings.

High-quality monitoring of avalanche prone locations will ensure the safety of people, transport, and tourist infrastructure. The development of its own automated system will contribute to the development of monitoring systems in the country with the placement and maintenance of their own forces and specialists.


Research of avalanche activity and territorial distribution of avalanche prone locations in the East Kazakhstan region for the development of avalanche hazard monitoring systems and scientific substantiation of their placement.

Expected and achieved results of the project:


The results obtained from the research.
Publications (with links to them) and patents; information for potential users.

2023 year

At the first stage of the work under the program in 2023, according to the calendar plan, one task was completed: The study of the mountain slopes of East Kazakhstan Region according to the degree of avalanche hazards based on field research, the use of GIS technologies with the systematization of avalanche-prone areas.
As part of the task, the regulatory framework for monitoring avalanche hazards in Kazakhstan has been defined. A brief description of the avalanche-prone situation in East Kazakhstan region is given. The characteristics of avalanche-prone areas are given by the districts of the region for which snow measuring routes have been developed: Ust-Kamenogorsk section, Altai section, Katon-Karagai section, Ridder section.
The mapping of avalanche-prone areas was carried out with the choice of modern methods and the use of GIS technologies. The systematization of avalanche-prone areas of East Kazakhstan region according to the degree of avalanche hazards has been carried out.
To prepare for the next stages of work, general information about the soils of East Kazakhstan region has been collected. The description of the infological database model is performed.
The task of studying and reviewing the world experience in organizing space monitoring of avalanche hazards has been completed. In order to popularize the results of scientific research, a web page has been created on the university's website about the progress of the program.

Denissova N., Petrova O. Aspects of the development of an automated avalanche hazard monitoring system for the East Kazakhstan region // Modern trends in the development of science and the world community in the era of digitalization, (Moscow, 2023): Collection of materials of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Moscow: ALEF Publishing House, 2023. – pp. 267-273. DOI 10.34755/IROK.2023.96.53.005

Visit of the Vice Minister of Emergency Situations:
About the grant:
Meeting on the project with the Emergency Department:
Visit of representatives of the Ionosphere Institute to EKTU as part of the project implementation:

2024 year

A database of microclimatic parameters and features of the slopes of East Kazakhstan region, which are important for the development of monitoring systems, will be created.A list of factors will be made to determine the priority slopes to be monitored for avalanche hazards. A methodology for selecting priority mountain slopes for the placement of an avalanche hazard monitoring system and 3D models of avalanche-prone areas will be developed. A scientifically based concept of an autonomous automated avalanche hazard monitoring system will be developed, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of analogues identified in the review. The architecture will be designed and the algorithm of the system will be developed. The software will be created. Design documentation and calculation of the sensor design will be developed. 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific direction of the program, included in 1 (first), 2 (second) and (or) 3 (third) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) having a Cite Score percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50 (fifty); in 5 (five) articles in journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science. Methodological documentation on the operation of an autonomous automated avalanche hazard monitoring system will be developed.

2025 year

A prototype of an autonomous automated avalanche hazard monitoring system with the ability to predict and prevent avalanches early will be created. A prototype of the sensor will be made. A pilot project of an autonomous automated avalanche hazard monitoring system on the priority slopes of East Kazakhstan region will be organized. Technical and economic calculations will be performed to assess the social effectiveness of placing an autonomous automated avalanche hazard monitoring system on the mountain slopes of East Kazakhstan Region to scale the system. 9 (nine) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific direction of the program, included in 1 (first), 2 (second) and (or) 3 (third) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) having a Cite Score percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50 (fifty) and 10 (ten) articles in journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science. Three monographs or textbooks will be published in foreign and (or) Kazakhstani publishing houses. Intellectual property objects will be obtained based on the results of the project of at least 6 (six) intellectual property objects (including an author's certificate for a software product) registered with the National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
