Additional educational program "Minor" is a set of subjects and (or) modules and other types of academic work to create additional competences.

The University sets the amount of subjects of the additional educational program independently. At the same time, the subjects of the additional EP refer to University block and to Elective block. Their total amount of credits is included in the total amount of credits required to award appropriate degree or qualification on the basic Educational Program.

Minor is an important component of the new educational model of undergraduate degree launched in D. Serikbayev EKSTU in 2019. Unlike Major (educational program defined to form key competencies), Minor is a block of three interrelated subjects for non-core degree training.

For example, a future financier can gain additional knowledge of foreign languages by choosing to study Minor "Language and communication", and a future bachelor of software can gain additional competencies in Company accounting, analysis and audit by choosing to study Minor "Company Accounting and taxation".

Minor is offered to all students at the end of the first year of undergraduate studies. Each student must choose one Minor. Student takes Minor during the second and third year of undergraduate studies.

Distinctive features of Minor:

  • second and third year of undergraduate degree study;
  • three subjects studied sequentially;
  • 15 credits (each subject - 5 credits);
  • included in the main part of the educational program (credits for Minor subjects are included in 240 credits of the main program);
  • selected by the student independently from the General pool;
  • Minor subjects are taught simultaneously and appear in a timetable at the specific day.

Catalogue of Minors for undergraduate students

Minor «Language and Communication»

Minor «Language of professional communication»

Minor «Professional computer programs»

Minor «Professional graphics programs»

Minor «Еngineering Application programs for processing raster, vector graphics, 3D modeling and visualization»

Minor «Modeling of art objects: drawing, painting, sculpture»

Minor «Cloud technologies»

Minor «Digital electronics»

Minor «Конструкторская графика»

Minor «Accounting and taxation at the enterprise»

Minor «Pricing and Budgeting business»

Minor «Applied packages for solving the Engineer-Physical tasks»

Minor «Automobiles»

Minor «Traffic without danger»

Minor «Production of building materials»

Minor «Adam bol»

Minor «Product quality management at mining enterprises»

Minor «Новые металлургические технологии»

Minor «Современные технологии в машиностроении»

Minor «IT – geology»